Indian students depend on parents everytime

@ar2sun (122)
November 24, 2007 5:10am CST
Most of the students in India depend on their parents for money till they complete their graduation unlike other countries where students even from age fifteen work part time to support their studies and for pocket money.Do you agree or disagree ? Whatever your answer is please do elaborate.
5 responses
• India
24 Nov 07
I guess it depends on the student. One of my students used to work as a waiter in a restaurant during the evening hours to support his BA education. He proceeded to do his MBA and is, I believe, doing extremely well now. Many students worked at their parents businesses. Of course, they received no pay, but ample support from their parents. I know students who have done their best to earn pocket money writing for papers or doing summer jobs. So young Indians do work very hard; so hard that they hardly have time for their own families now.
@ar2sun (122)
• India
24 Nov 07
Sir I agree to what you say . But what is the scenario here when we compare to a developed country like the U.S.? For example take jobs like network marketing which even students can do . But how many Indian students are willing to do it?
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@men82in (1268)
• India
17 Dec 07
Good discusion started by you dear ar2sun. It is the main drawback with our indian style of academic or professional carries every indians must to rely with their parents until unless CASTE BASED scholarships must to be stopped. So that meritorious gets first preference with sharing of scholarships then let them be to the poorer people in need to study. It is an big waste of money tactic by the government towards eradicating the poverty scheme as naamke vaasthe. Every scholarship must to be awarded according to merit list first irrespect of caste and income based one.
@soumodeep (944)
• India
10 Dec 07
Yes, in India students do work to get money for their education, but those are the poor student whose parents can't afford the costly education. Mostly students in India don't do job and the reason is because their parents have enough money to pay for their education. Instead they concentrate completely on their education and work and sometimes extra curricular activities. Yeah they do voluntary job but they don't work for money, most of the time. So working while studying is not a sign of being developed or matter of concern. I would say that people who are also in a financially tough situation in North American go to work, otherwise most of them do voluntary job like I did!
• United States
26 Nov 07
Well I started giving my children chores and paying them at the age of 6. They know the value of money. They have to earn before spending it on toyes etc. \ Working gives children a sense of responsibility and real world experience. And in US it is needed to get admission in good colleges too since they don't like the lazy children I guess. I agree in India parents are overprotective of their children and spoil them and working for money is an insult to them... I know it because I have neices and nephews in India and they don't do anything even doing their own laundry forget about working for money.
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
hmmm., kinda not and kinda yes, you see it really depends on the person if he wants to be independent or not, yes, some do work for their studies, maybe because they're not that rich or maybe they just want to be independent. Some are really rich, and do depend on their parents in every aspect.