Most fun had at the movies?

@Postrock (270)
November 27, 2007 10:12am CST
So how many times do you go to see a movie in a theatre per week? And what was the time you had most fun? Why?
1 response
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
27 Nov 07
My friends and I used to make going to certain movies an event. Seriously. For example, a bunch of us were Star Trek fans, so when the first movie with the cast from The Next Generation came out (Generations) we had big plans. We had so many people going with us that we took up 2 rows in the theater. That was so much fun. 6 of us got in line well before the movie started and when the doors opened we picked 2 rows and saved them. It was pretty funny standing at the end of the aisle and telling people that "these rows are being saved." That was a lot of fun. We had a similar group when we went to see The Lion King.
@Postrock (270)
• Italy
27 Nov 07
yeah i had a similar experience when we went seeying LOTR. But hey 2 rows is pretty insane, we probably were the equivalent of one. Thanks for your answer.