Does it feel like the holiday's anymore?

United States
November 30, 2007 11:07pm CST
Lately i don't feel like christmas is comeing or that thanksgiving just passed. It doesn't feel like when i was younger and everywhere you looked it was the holiday season. What do you think?
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2 responses
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
1 Dec 07
Well, the hollidays make me sad. Expecially Xmas`s atmosphere is very sentimental one and just provoke some sad memories...Usually i celebrate at home, rarely go anywhere else.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I have had several years where I just wanted it to be over... especially 2004, knowing it was my Pop's last. We made a big deal of it, but it was all so superficial... the next year, we didn't even have a tree! But last year, I took a step back and looked at how I was doing everything... I put up the tree and, instead of cleaning up around it and moving on to the next chore, I turned off all the other lights and sat beside it, looking up into the branches while the musical lights played Christmas carols. On the way to do our shopping, we drove the long way and looked at all the lights and decorations around the lake. Later, I turned off the TV and wrapped gifts listening to classical Christmas music... I was much more relaxed when I finished than I had been when I started, and I put more care into the job as well. Short on time, I used pre-made cookie dough to cut out gingerbread men... it was sugar cookie dough, but I spiced them up with cinnamon sugar and a bit of ground ginger and cloves. I didn't spend hours baking, but I had the satisfaction of a 'homemade' cookie! As we grow older, we have to give more than receive, and that's pressure... give a few good things to yourself, and you might get a bit of the magic back! Happy Holidays!