I have an idea!!

United States
December 3, 2007 5:23pm CST
I've been having quite the time with my children mis-behaving. I keep telling them that Santa doens't bring presents to bad little boys and girls, but they don't care. They have no respect for anyone or anything. And I've had it! I can't take their crap anymore. So, I've been trying to think of some way to get my point across to them about taking care of their stuff and being thankful for what they get. I've come up with an idea! I think instead of buying gifts for my children, I'm going to take that money to buy gifts for a few elderly people in a nursing home that don't have any other family and to take them there to spend the day with them on Christmas (or maybe the day before). Do you think that would be a good lesson for them or am I just exhausted and not making any sense? Thanks in advance. Happy Holidays! ~Stephanie
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13 responses
• United States
3 Dec 07
Now buying present for the elderly would be a good idea and having your kids go with you. But I dont know if you should not buy your children anything for christmas just maybe less than you normally do.
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@wrongway (277)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I know several people will think I am terrible for what I did when my daughter was small and did not take care of her toys. I was a single mom and money was tight. Yes, the grandparents spoiled her and bought her all kinds of nice things, however she would never pick her toys up and they would get lost or broken. Finally I had enough and I told her that the next time she left her laying about to get broken I was going to throw them away. Well, she had wanted a "digger the dog" toy for several weeks and grandma bought her one. Three days after she got digger, as I came down the steps I almost tripped over digger. I picked him up, put him in the trash and put the trash on the curb. My darling little 5 year old watched the trashmen pick up the trash and take her digger away. She cried so hard but I told her that's what happens when you don't take care of your toys. Guess it was a lesson learned because when I told her to pick up her toys after that it only took once and they were picked up. It hurt me more than her but I guess that's what you call tough love.
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• United States
4 Dec 07
I've thrown more toys away than you can imagine. I guess I'm mean like that. I ask once for them to be picked up and at the end of the night if they are left downstairs it's in the trash. It has no effect on them cuz they just think that daddy will buy them a new one. I'm telling you, my kids are BRATS!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
4 Dec 07
Just maybe your kids have way too many toys already. Maybe you should thin them out if they won't take care of what they have. when they leave it laying around just put it up to send to the thrift store and then not buy them any toys. Yes I agree with the idea of taking them to a nursing home but only if they will behave. Have them help pick out some gift and then have the kids give them to the resadents. Or you can buy gifts and take them to a childrens home to let your kids see what kids with out families live like. I know that a lot of kids have more things tham they know what to do with. And we as parents keep adding more then expect them to keep them picked up. but so many things just over whelm the kids.
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• United States
4 Dec 07
What you said makes a lot of sense, but that's just the thing...They don't have a lot of toys. I bet the boys don't even have a good size box full if you were to put all their toys together. They have tore EVERYTHING up. And now since all their toys are gone, they have moved on to destroying all the girls baby dolls. The 9 and 10 year olds have their xbox, tv, and radio...and that's about it other than some yugioh cards and a robot. They have ruined just about everything else. I have taken the xbox, tv and radio...so now they don't really have anything. I just did that today, so we will see if that gets me anywhere. I like your idea about the childrens home thing. I know where there is one in town and I think I will check into that tomorrow. THanks! If you can think of anything else, please let me know! ~Stephanie
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
4 Dec 07
There is a lot of merrit in your idea, but unfortunately you don't say how old your children are, so it's difficult to say whether they will learn a lesson.
• United States
4 Dec 07
I posted their ages above, but it's mostly one of the 6 yr olds, the 9 yr old and one of the 10 yr olds that are giving me the problem.
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@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I think that is a PERFECT idea, and it is MUCH more in the spirit of the season than giving presents. I have never understood the obsession with GETTING presents at the holidays. And if your kids are acting spoiled, it's because they are bombarded with messages from the TV, to the shopping malls about how they are supposed to get presents. I think a MUCH better lesson this time of year is for kids to see those that are less fortunate and DO something to help them. We could ALL use that lesson. So instead of fretting about buying toys... go to a soup kitchen, donate to Toys for Tots, give your time and money to those who NEED it, not spoiled kids who already have a ridiculous number of toys. Let them GIVE something that rewards them with something you CAN'T buy... happiness, joy, self-esteem and HUMILITY!
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• United States
4 Dec 07
Grerat response Cassidy! I don't think that my approach is well thought out enough. So if you can think of something, please share!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
4 Dec 07
What I used to do with my daughter was before the holidays and her birthdays we would gather her toys that were in good shape and clothes and things and then take them to a shelter and donate them for the residents. This gives the kids a good idea of how others are less fortunate and that they should be thankful for all they have. But you must make them get involved or the lesson won't be learned. It's tough bringing up kids thats for sure. I know what you mean about kids not having much respect for what they have. My daughter has been like that as well. We started volunteering at a homeless shelter and it hasn't had much effect on her in the way of taking care of her things. She feels good about serving the needy but when she comes home it's the same old same old.
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• United States
4 Dec 07
I wish they had toys to do that with, but they have destroyed all of them. BUT, I'm sure that some of my family members have nice enough toys and I'm sure that they would love for me to take them off their hands so that is what I'm going to do. Thank you!
• India
4 Dec 07
dont know if it would work, but you can always give it a try. but whatever you do, dont give in to their tantrums. my kid is becoming somewhat like yours, with no thoughts of sharing, caring or respecting the needs of others in the family. i have started disciplining him by denying a few things. he sulks a lot but then forgets and gives in. i cant be too harsh though, with children having such wierd ideas these days. but asking them to care for the aged should have some soothing effect on their hyperactive mind.
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@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
4 Dec 07
I hope whatever you try works for you. My kids are in their thirties now and I can't remember just what they were like at Christmas. Fortunately the memory tends to retain the good memories. Good luck, and have a Happy Christmas.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
4 Dec 07
I think it's a great idea .I mean i think it will be a very good lesson for them .That you and (santa) really means it that naughty children don't get any presents and well behaved children will get presents. What you also can do is buy small presenst and if they realise they have done bad give them another chance by saying if you behave today then maybe santa will still bring the presents.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I think it depends on how old they are. If they are under 7 or so I'm not sure they will understand.Maybe between now and Christmas you can teach them to respect their property and other people. If they are miss using something take it away and donate it to Goodwill or some other place. If they see that you are serious they might just shape up. Good luck and Merry Christmas.
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@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I think that you should still buy your children presents but also do the idea for the elderly. When the children see how happy they can make a person who doesn't have much it helps them appriecate what they have. My mother use to get two or three children for the caring angel tree and let us pick out items for them. It was nice to give and to know that these children needed the items. Some of the items would be socks, or a coat. It made us realize just how lucky we were to have those items already. Hope that your holidays are wonderful.
• China
4 Dec 07
I agree with you! Great mum!
1 person likes this
• China
4 Dec 07
Great!I think you're right.It is a very good lesson for your children.In our China.parent do it little like you.
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