back on prozac!!!

December 4, 2007 8:31pm CST
I have been back on prozac for 3 days now and my family cant believe the difference in me!!! I cant believe the difference in me!!! Today for example I said to my family 'everyone in the car, we are going for a drive!' We ended up going to KFC for dinner, something which we havent done in a very long time. The kids were brilliant and a pleasure to bring anywhere. When we got home we played music and danced around the kitchen for a couple of hours... Now I am not saying we are a miserable family lol.... but we just havent done anything like that for a long time. My husband actually told me that he was wondering when I was finally going to go to the doctor about how I was feeling. Now I am glad that I did. I should have done it sooner!!! :-)
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14 responses
@eden_shii (506)
• Australia
5 Dec 07
i am happy to hear news like this...i mean, most of the families now, do have different problems...i am really happy for your family...i hope it will always be like that... =)
2 people like this
• Ireland
5 Dec 07
Hi eden_shii. It took me a long time to go to the doctor about this because I thought that I could get through it by myself. I am sure that it will always be like this now, as it used to be... Thanks for your response :-)
1 person likes this
• Australia
5 Dec 07
yeah...sometimes, it is really difficult to go to the doctor...i don't go through the same thing that you've gone through but i know it ir really difficult... but what matters most is you are okay now...and you and your family are happy...
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• China
5 Dec 07
wow....everyone would have some we need to solve them.our life is so nice the life is!!!!!
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
5 Dec 07
Hi elemental! I am glad to know you are feeling good and happy. And I think your family are equally happy with the way things are going for you. Always update your doctor so he will know your progress. But my only concern for you my friend is that i hope you won't get too dependent on Prozac. I do care.. :) Take care and have a nice day my friend.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
13 Dec 07
Hi elemental! Just take care always my dear! Keep smiling! :)
• Ireland
5 Dec 07
Hi faith, thank you. I have been taking prozac on and for for about 8 years but its been about 5 years since I was last on them. So hopefully I wont get addicted. Thank you so much for caring :-). I have always said that my friends on here are the greatest ever!!!
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
5 Dec 07
I am glad that you are feeling better. I do not think that you should ever stop taking the medication before talking to your doctor first. I have been taking Paxil for seven years and I know that it is not a good idea to stop taking it even if I feel better. I have known some people who have stopped taking their meds and they are never the same again. Even when they start back on the meds. So be very careful with that.
2 people like this
• Ireland
5 Dec 07
Thanks Rozie37, I know that I will be on it for at least 6 months. So I will see what happens after that. If I have to stay on them then so be it :-).
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
5 Dec 07
That is great! I have been considering going back to the doctor about my anti-depressants. I am sinking into a major depression and it has been coming on little by little for months now. I feel like I am just walking through emotional sludge right now. I function but I don't want to do anything. Maybe I need to go to the doctor too! It sounds like you have really made a turn around and I am so happy for you!
2 people like this
• Ireland
5 Dec 07
Hi mamasan34, please do go back to him, the longer you leave it the worse you will feel. I have been feeling like this for a long time now. I dont know if its because I cant cope without my mother, or if its post-natal depression, or maybe its a mixture of both. But I am glad that I went. My son brought a tear to my eyes this evening because he asked what was wrong with me because I was so happy!! I think I could be on them for a long time, but I dont mind any more. :-)
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• China
5 Dec 07
we most think sth for goodfeed.we can have happy life/.
1 person likes this
• Australia
5 Dec 07
Good on you! Sounds like someone has their groove back! Keep it up and don't stop taking the meds just because you feel better! Big mistake! You keep being spontaneous and keep enjoying yourself!
2 people like this
• Ireland
5 Dec 07
Thanks :-). I will probably be on them for at least 6 months so I am going to carry on with them. I tought that I could come out if it myself without the meds but I think it probably made me worse rather than better.. :-)
2 people like this
• Australia
6 Dec 07
You take them for as long as you need them, but remember when the time comes to stop taking them, to do it slowly!
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@Ruibinha (157)
• Portugal
5 Dec 07
I'm glad you feel better now. I wish all medicines could be like that : "take it - feels better". Sometimes they don't work, sometimes it does bad for your own organism, sometimes people can't stand it and makes them even more "sick". It's good to hear that, even someone taking pills, it has a good quality life. I don't say its perfect, no life is, but at least its better than before. Continue being that woman that plays around, does something that didn't made for so long just to feel better with herself and with the others around :)
2 people like this
• Ireland
5 Dec 07
Thanks Ruibinha, Yes I have heard that a lot of people say that prozac doesnt agree with them. To be honest I am glad that it works for me. I have been on them before but its been about 5 years since I have taken them. :-)
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Im glad to hear your feeling better. I guess sometimes we need to take something. Personally I dont believe in taking anything. Because all it really does is cover up your feelings. When you come off the medicine your right back in the same situation. You should really look into therapy.
1 person likes this
• Ireland
6 Dec 07
Everyone has their own opinion about medications. Some wont even take a pill for headaches.... Anti-depressants dont cover up feelings, Its all to do with chemical imbalances... And if you call seeing a bereavement councillor after thedeath of my mother therapy, then I guess I am already in therapy!!!!
@kareng (56331)
• United States
6 Dec 07
That's great. I'm glad you are feeling better!
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Dec 07
Good for you. If you need prozac, then it is best to take it. Depression can be cured, & there is no point in suffering needlessly. This way, you can get your life back on track, & that of your family. Good for you.
2 people like this
• Ireland
5 Dec 07
Yes, the way that I feel now I am sorry I didnt do it months ago :-)
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@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
7 Dec 07
Very good that you realized that you needed the medication. It is difficult to admit that we need to be put on any sort of treatment plan for emotional or mental disorder as the stigma attached to it is sometimes overwhelming to some people. Glad you had a fun day with your family!
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Dec 07
That is wonderful for you. I loved being on prozac. I was so happy those days. Then I got switched to cymbalta and it gave me a rash on my neck/back. So I got terrified and now I am scared to take anything. I have really bad anxiety. But I was my best when I was on prozac. Now my little sister has been taking prozac for 2 years now. It helps her a lot. She used to have to walk into the kitchen at least 10 times a day and use hand sanitizer. Lol. Now she just stays in her room all day. I do not think that she could survive without her prozac. It is a good medicine to use. But I am so happy that you had a good time with your family. I bet it means the world to them.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Good for you! Having a life is one thing... having a good life is something else entirely! The fun is so necessary... it makes every day something to look forward to! You made the best and smartest choice... enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
@alamode (3071)
• United States
6 Dec 07
The only good thing about me on mood alterers... I found out that I have the brain of a teenager!LOL! Meaning, I had bad thoughts... but when I got my pain under control, I didn't need them any more... I got happy on my own. But I know several people who need them... I'm never going to say they don't do the job. I'm very happy for you... keep doing whats right for you!!
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• Ireland
5 Dec 07
It makes so much difference when you are having more bad days than good. Now the good outweight the bad!!! :-)
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
5 Dec 07
I was on effexor before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I am trying to wait until she weans before I start my med routine with her. She is 19 months old now though and so far has no interest in weaning. My husband just mentioned very gently the other night that maybe I need to start my meds again. My anxiety is bad though. I am not sleeping at night again. I am glad to hear you are feeling better!
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@vmenard (895)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Good for you for having the strength to get help. Good luck to you in the future.
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