Have you ever received some else's confirmation on an online order they made?

@sacmom (14192)
United States
December 5, 2007 9:21pm CST
This happened to me today. I had received an email from Target.com with the subject line saying "thank you for your order" when I know neither my husband nor I had made a recent purchase through them. So my first thought was that it was spam/junk mail. I was getting ready to delete it, but something made me open it. And when I did, I saw that a an order had been place, but by someone else! So my next thought was that this person made a fraudulent purchase with my card. So I called up Target's toll free number and told them what happened. I also told them I wanted to make sure someone didn't charge my card illegally. So the lady over the phone asked me for the order # and then the persons shipping/billing address. Both came up correctly and the guy did make this purchase. Then she asked me if I had a card with the last 5 digits of such and such number with an expiration date on such and such date. I let her know neither matched up to the cards I have. I told her this person must have made a mistake when typing out his email address. I can only assume his email address is similar to mine (having a first initial with last name @ the same isp.com) as he happens to have the same last name as I do and both our first initials happen to be right next to each other on the keyboard. Maybe he was in a hurry and he made a slip, hitting the wrong letter of the alphabet, thus getting the confirmation sent to me. What do you think? So, has this ever happened to you? Or have you ever made such an error and have your email confirmation sent to someone else?
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18 responses
@laurika (4532)
• United States
6 Dec 07
Well Somethign similar happen to me. I though I order one magazine online by mistake and yeah i did, but one and I actually like so i pay it. but now I had recieved alredy three list in my mailbox for saying thank you for your order. I am sure I didn't order more magazines, so I don't knwo if it is some spam, or tehy made some mistake. So I had to call there yesterday and cancel it.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
6 Dec 07
You mean you made a payment and subsequent orders came in?
@laurika (4532)
• United States
6 Dec 07
YEah I pay oen i wanted keep and now are more coming in my mailbox.
@DJ9020 (1596)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I would have done the same, assumed it was a phishing scheme. But I'm glad you checked, and I know that several times I have been in a hurry and mistyped my email, only to have it kicked out when I re-typed it for verification. Kudos to you for going the extra step to check it out. Not only for your own security and peace of mind, but this guy probably ordered Christmas presents. As much as I hate the hassle of having to re-type my email address for verification, it has helped me out more than once.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
6 Dec 07
I find re-verification a hazzle but no doubt it is a useful tool.
• United States
6 Dec 07
YES...It was similar...a asian guy paid me twice through my paypal account in the amount of $400! So I responded to him and ask him if he were paying a bill or something because he have made both payments to the wrong account. I explained who I was and setup a phone call but because of a language barrier he didn't understand much of what I was saying. He kept repeating that "he paid what he owed" and now he shouldn't be billed. I think he thought I was some type of customer service rep. Anyway to make a long story short....I got a free $800 because I couldn't find who the money really go to. Lucky ME!
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@sahyd2don (2942)
• India
24 Dec 07
May be it was one of the spam emails.May be they are using it just to know if the email ID they sent the mail on is valid or not. When you open the email to read it.A message goes automatically to the sender which lets them know that the email ID is valid.May be u are getting lot of spam after that which you didn't notice.
@lols189 (4742)
9 Feb 08
no this has never happened to me and i am glad it hasnt. i dont really order stuff online anyway i prefer to purchase it in town
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Yeah, I don't like ordering online either. I usually can't wait for the item to be shipped to me LOL, so I buy in town when I can instead.
@makatas (1098)
• Greece
6 Dec 07
It hasnt happened ever to me. I dont think it is so important, is it? Its just a confirmation mail, nothing more. I dont know about those though, so i might be wrong.
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• Singapore
7 Dec 07
Yes I have, I bought a Dell computer about 2 years ago and just this year, I received a confirmation note from Dell about a new PC purchase. It didn't charge to my credit card though and after Dell's investigation, apparently, they were testing the system and some of these confirmations were sent out by mistake. Anyway, to play safe, I called up the credit card company to inform them, just in case I do get charged.
• United States
6 Dec 07
I'm glad it was just a mistake by email address and that he didn't use your card illegally. That's never happened to me before on email but I had something kinda happen like that to me on the phone before. This girl had bought something from a jewelry store. Well her first name is the same as my first name and come to find out her phone number was only one digit different than mine. They kept calling me saying I owed such and such amount of money. I kept telling them that I had never bought anything from them and I had never even been in one of their stores because we always buy from our local jewelry store because we know the man in there very well and he gives us great deals. They were very rude to me saying they were going to turn me in to the collection agency if I didn't pay this bill and all this mean stuff and I kept telling them over and over that I was not the person they were looking for. I checked my credit and everything to make sure nobody had charged anything illegally with my name and information and they hadn't. So a few days later I get another call from a lady from their company. I told her what had been going on and that it wasn't me they were looking for. So she told me to give her the last four of my social number and I told her I wasn't going to do that because I knew this wasn't me that had bought these items. So then she said well is your address ______________ and I said no ma'am. Then she said is your phone number ___________ and your name is _____________ and I said no ma'am. But my phone number was only one digit different and the numbers were side by side so I guess they just kept hitting the one wrong number and getting me. My first name was the same as hers but my last name was different and they wouldn't tell me the last name until I got this lady who was really nice about it. I guess they just really thought it was me they were trying to get money from but it really wasn't.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
14 Dec 07
I've never had this happen to me - that I know of at least but I very rarely oder anything online and although I have received confirmation emails that I know I didn't order I just figure they are spam and delete them - since reading your discussion I think in the future I might check into them closer. Thanks for the heads up.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Dec 07
This has not happened to me. Its good that you called up Target and questioned the order and such and made sure that you were not being charged it. You cant be sure nowdays with so much theft happening with credit cards and such.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I have never had anything like this happen to me. I keep several email addresses though and use each one for specific things. Like my ISP email address, I never use it except for online shopping. Email from my mom goes to one address, my friends get another address and i have another address I use for work related things. It just helps me stay organized.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
10 Dec 07
I did receive mail about some one's credit account before. It was frustrating trying to get the call center officer to verify cos my address was on the envelope. After making heck of a scene on the phone, I finally got to talk to a supervisor who could do something about it. It was a print mistake and they sent the letter to my address instead. I flew into another bout of angry responses. How could a bank do such a thing?!? How can they be sending statements of the bank account of one person to anther address?!? So did they send my details to someone else? Did some one else know what is my credit limit and what I have spent? After a long time, I was still not convince, cos the content of the letter is saying something about sending lawyer letters for non payment! A few days later, I was sent a letter of apology for the mix up. I was still not fully placated, but I did not have much choice but to accept the situation as it is.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
6 Dec 07
No. But I work for the library and we send out notification about overdue books. The idiots who input the information (Idiots meaning the people who work for the library and not the customers though they are idiots as well at times) don't pay attention when they type in emails and type way too many in wrong. so it's like instead of putting 1234@aol.com they'll put 1234@comcast.net or something. So people get the wrong library notifications sometimes. They'll usually write us and tell us to correct the email. It's annoying.
@dbhattji (2506)
• India
10 Dec 07
My sister receives someone else's e-mail because the difference is just of one dot and that other person is a celebrity.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
6 Dec 07
Even if I had received someone else's confirmation, I would not have known it. I habitually delete such mails without even opening it. I find it hard to believe the wrong email could have been used. If I were to make a online purchase, I would have expected to receive a confirmation and would have checked with the supplier.
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• Philippines
6 Dec 07
let's just hope that it was an hones mistake :-)
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• United States
29 Jan 08
LOL... reminds me that as a youngster we used to call and order pizza for people... back then it was harmless mischive.... Those were the good ole day! Wall
@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I have not received someone else's confirmation before, but I did receive someone else's order with mine before. I was nice and mailed it off the the lady in Hawaii. She thanked me and sent me a little gift - which was not necessary. But I contacted the scrapbooking company to let them know they messed up, and they didn't thank me nor offer to reimburse my postage. I never ordered from them again.
• United States
29 Jan 08
I forgot to say that the person who was making the order probably didn't check his email address and it sounds like it was similar to yours. So, that's probably why you got it.
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