looking for website!

@jcyap888 (721)
December 6, 2007 7:38am CST
i'm looking for website where i can see my birth parent my thru parents. i been searching it for quite a few months now somebody help me ? i'm so desperate in seeking them if ever i had the opportunity to look for them, i'm living with my poster parents, but never told me about them. but my foster mom just told me that my parents surname is yu, uy or young just the same and working as a movie actress and have so many kids that they couldnt bear to raise them up, so just that little information. so thanks !
1 response
@Ngippol (567)
• Philippines
7 Dec 07
Hi. Don't despair! There are a lot of kids looking for their true parents to no avail. It's a wonderful idea to look for your real parents but I learned from someone who said that "I don't need to look for them, but let them look for me. They gave me up when I was young. What I can do is to love the people who raised me up." Though I cannot be a help to you now, I pray for your success in finding your parents!
@jcyap888 (721)
• Philippines
7 Dec 07
thanks ngippol! i just want to know who they are and what they look like, and the other things is want to know who is my brother and sister, i dont blame them for giving me up to others, i had given myself to my foster parents, but still having and wanted to see the true blood is another thing cause i'm getting old and never see any sign of any of my blooded brothers and sister and hoping they are looking for me too may be theres a coincidence that they are too looking for me but never had a chance to meet in the web or any place ! thanks a lot my friend.