
December 7, 2007 9:32pm CST
does really God exists or it is just us who believe that he exists. In philosophy, one of the books states that God exist becaucse of us. He exist just to answer all of our question that are unanswerable, who makes the earth, the sun, where we came from.
1 response
• Philippines
8 Dec 07
We don't necessarily have to see God in order to believe that He exists. That's "faith" in the making! Through his physical absence, we are tested how strong we are to fulfill our mission on Earth by relying on His Holy Guidance. There will be a series of tests to measure how strongly you believe on Him (including the test whether you believe that He exists or not). And God has also his way to make us feel that He resides in everyone of us. It's true that He answers all our questions but we also need to listen to Him. It's faith that tells us what to do. " To see is to believe" is really not applicable in here.