Does cheating in online poker concern you?

United States
December 8, 2007 6:04am CST
How rampant is cheating in online poker? Does the possibility of being cheated keep you from playing? Do you have any hand histories that show suspect happenings that could be from your opponent cheating? I know one player that uses a program to predict cards that are coming based upon the random number generator of the site. While the program is not a sure fire way to win (you still need to know the game), and not accurate 100% of the time, it gives him enough of an edge to make calls sometimes that would otherwise be folds. He does not feel this is cheating though for these reasons: 1. This program is commercially available and anyone can buy it. 2. There are other players that use the program against him. 3. The program itself makes no decisions in regards to his play (like a bot) Needless to say, I completely disagree with his assesment. I feel very strongly that he is indeed cheating and have lost a great deal of respect for him because of it. But let's think about his #2 point for a second. Is the only way to protect yourself against cheaters to cheat yourself? I realize that in any computer game, whether money is involved or not, there are going to be cheaters. But for those of us who try to make this our living, and play straight up with integrity, is there anyway to protect ourselves against these low lifes without ourselves becoming one?
2 responses
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Cheating in ALL online gaming concerns me. Its very unfair and people seem to do it despite what could happen. Its terrible and people think they are so BA in doing it not knowing they are just ruining the game and being poor about the game. If it gives you an advantage that is not natural for the game and/or one that other players do not have access to, then its cheating. On poker, its the same deal. I do not care if its a bot doing it, they are used in all sorts of online games to alter the game and give a player specific advantages. Its cheating no matter what excuses you put. Plus there are online games that get damaged or completely ruined due to cheating (Phantasy Star anyone? -_-) I think the best way to deal with cheaters is this. Don't play with them. Ignore them and use everything you can to do this. Report them to game administrators, moderators, security, whatever the authority is. Hopefully they'll be removed immediately. One final thing, I'm sorry you have to deal with this if you are into online poker and doing that for hobby/living. So maybe my advice won't be the best, but I still really wanted to comment on this one.
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Yep I remember Everquest and Diablo cheating, especially my brother and his friend. They were the ones talking about it to me. I remember others from warcraft and a few people are still around on that one (yet in WoW's defense, they have dropped the admin/ban axe on thousands of cheating players).
@yanxchick (250)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Cheating in poker generally scares me, but I have a greater sense of security in a live poker room. At least there I feel if I am vigilant I can know what is going on and catch anything. However, that's not always the case. I fear online poker there is cheating and it could be rigged. I've seen some of the more strangers hands on the Internet to the point where I just don't play anymore online. Luckily for me, I can go play in a casino whenever I want because I live only 20 minutes away from a number of card rooms.