Anyone ever tried an appetite suppressant

@venshida (4836)
United States
December 8, 2007 9:31am CST
If you ever tried an appetite suppressant what brand did you use, did it work? Lately, I am always hungry. I don't know what has cause an increase in my appetite and want to do something about it. It seems every 2 to 3 hours I am hungry. Let me know what has worked and what has not.
2 responses
• Trinidad And Tobago
9 Dec 07
I've tried those. But later learned that losing more than 1 pound a day only causes you to regain the weight and then some. Also starving yourself does the same because all your body does is store the fat. Personally dont think anything like that will work. I mean its more than just losing the weight but also keeping it of. The less you eat more your metabolism slows down. making it harder for your body to burn fat. Food is the fuel to energise you. The right foods! In the appropriate proportions for each person. Done with exercise which suppresses one's appetite. Exercise helps me eat less. As long as my body does not lose too much of its protein source, I dont regain my weight.
• Philippines
8 Dec 07
I guess the first thing you need to do is to find out why you're always hungry. I'm always hungry too but I know that I am because I recently engaged in dancing which makes me more active. Next, if you can stop whatever is feeding your appetite, do so. But if you can't, eat something heavy so you'll feel heavy. The best thing I think you can do is to constantly drink water as this will make you feel full and you won't feel the hunger tugging at you. Above all, maybe this is just a thing of the mind, try thinking that you're not hungry. Maybe that can help. Good luck!