needing some friends to help me get with the Lord

@stacy624 (2776)
December 9, 2007 1:23pm CST
I am a mom to 8 Wonderful Children, all my life I have gone to church but was a lost confused girl. I never walked right in the Lord and would like to change this. I am hoping I can find some people to help me walk right. I have always been a Christian although I believe we should never put a label but I’m sure in time I will grow and learn in the right direction. Thank you for reading this Stacy
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12 responses
@ellen546 (110)
• United States
9 Dec 07
I agree with lemaytke, finding a church that belives the Bible and teaches from it will be your best course of action. I know my church family is every thing to me and my beliefs, the fellowship you get with Christans and sharing your life with God is the best way to go. Also praying and reading the Bible every day will help.Pray every time you go to read the Bible and ask God to help you understand what you are studying. Also when you pray take the time to listen and watch for Gods response. God does answer prayer. I was going through a really tough time in my life and was ready to end it all, and was praying to God and asking why every thing bad was happening to me. I was driving my car and thinking of running it into a tree and God came to me and I fealt his presence with me, it was a felling of warmth, comfort and peace like I had never felt and God let me know that every thing was hapening to me for a reason. So I'm saying is have a really heart felt talk with God in Prayer and let him guide you.
@DJ9020 (1596)
• United States
10 Dec 07
First of all, I would like to say that I wear the label of 'Christian' proudly, and hope that I am a good example. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there claiming to be Christians that are very poor examples of that. And I think that there are churches full of people who, like you, are still lost and confused. You truly have to turn your life over to Christ to be a Christian, and it is a daily, sometimes second-ly, struggle. God bless you and lead you to live the life he has planned for you.
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@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
10 Dec 07
I so completely agree with you!!! Thank you for sharing your response I appreciate it =) Your Friend Stacy
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@mouse27 (1155)
• Canada
10 Dec 07
you have 8 children holy how do you do it? you must have some help from something powerful out there to keep a sane mind with 8 kids
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@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
10 Dec 07
lol....Well Hubby has a HUGE part and helps out so much! I do though feel I have been so blessed to have the children I have. However my life has not always been this claim only since I left my Ex husband over 7 years ago. I just feel I really need the Lord for myself to show my children =) But I feel im on a good start =) Thank you so much for your response Stacy
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
9 Dec 07
Why not forget about the lord as he doesn't exist. As an atheist I find strength in myself. I don't need some invisible man in the sky to make me happy. Be yourself and be strong for yourself and your kids like I know you can do on your own as we are all strong and we can find the strength within us without having to lean on something that doesn't even exist.
• United States
10 Dec 07
I am compelled to comment on your comment. Does the air you breathe exist? Can you see it? If you can't see it how does it exist? God can be like that too you know. One day, you too will have a last opportunity to decide if God is real and tangible. I pray for you that you will make that right decision for eternity.
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• United States
10 Dec 07
whywiki, I don't mean to be offensive, please believe that. I don't believe in atheism. I don't think they exist when it really counts. Your explanation does not make sense, not even to a science major. You can not see air. Look it up what air consists of on your chemical chart . Yes you can see condensation...not air. You can't see neutrons either. Or wind. Or an earthquake. Only the effects of such. I'm not critizing you for your lack of beliefs, but please don't try to influence someone who is searching for something beyond selfcenterdness. Thanks for listening. Merry Christmas. (do you celebrate...Christ- mas by the way?) :)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Atheism requires more faith than believing in God. To ignore God as if He does not exist is a grave mistake.
• United States
10 Dec 07
Stacy, I am so proud of you for reaching out for help and prayer. What a big step you have made. When two or more are gathered in prayer God hears us. I am praying for you. Find a church that you feel comfortable in and ask God to direct you to it. From there join a ladies group (preferably one that has a sitter for the time you are there) also get your kids plugged into a youth program. God will lead you and you will grow exponentially form there! Blessings to you and yours and May God guide you on your guest for his love and strength! Keep up the great work.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
10 Dec 07
Thank you so very much for the great encouragement it helps I do have a Question I was wondering if it’s a must to attend church? Thanks for your help Friend Stacy
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• United States
11 Dec 07
Hi Stacy, I do not think that one necessarily must attend church. For me, church is an extension of my family. A group of friends who all believe in the same things I believe in. Though some believe slightly differently they are not any less of a friend. I do not have to attend to be a part of them either. I can be friends with them any day of the week. Its just enjoyable to do something with them like Worship our Lord and Saviour. It is also great when I am having a rough time to have them there for me. I certainly do not make every service, nor do I even begin to try to. I do make it at least once per week, not always on a Sunday, but I do make at least one service per week. Also, its great to know the kids my kids are hanging out with. Between us my husband and I have 8 kids and 4 in heaven so believe me, I know what it is like to try to get little ones out the door on a Sunday morning....It takes some serious pre planning and you know what they say about the best laid plans.....LOL At any rate. I think you have gotten a fabulous response to your question and I hope that in some way you are blessed by hearing the various opinions. Keep seeking God and his righteousness and you will be richly blessed Stacy. Your friend, Countrymom
23 Mar 08
I am still young and naive, so maybe I am not the best person... But maybe you'd like to take a look at my beliefs ?
• Philippines
10 Dec 07
We talk to God thru prayers and God talks to us thru the Holy Bible. Reading the Holy Bible is the best way of worshiping God. So it's best for us to keep on reading the Holy Bible and God will convey to us His message.
• United States
27 Dec 07
Hi stacy624. First I must commend you for having 8 children. Secondly, I must commend you for reaching out. I too have gone to church all my life, but like you was confused. I could never get my questions or needs answered. I decided to seek the answers from the Source. I set time out of the day to do my own research. Low and behold I found the answers. They weren't hidden. They were in my own desire to know the truth (the truth for me). I started reading and studying the Word of God. I prayed as I studied that God would give me the answers I needed. If you truly desire to walk right, you will. The first step is to have the desire in your heart. God will do the rest. It's not a popular decision and it's not easy all the time but that's when our choice to make the right decisions come into play. The Word says, "He will bless those who diligently seek Him". It may take a while and it might seem like your prayers aren't always being answered but trust Him enough to know....He really does have your best interest at heart. If you would like to have someone to just talk to or vent with request me as a friend. I'll approve you and you can send me private messages. I've been where you are and I think I know how you feel.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
27 Dec 07
i need it too my friend. i have been doing a lot of soul searching lately. i find comfort in the Lord. i would like to walk with you on this path.
@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
Do you have your own Bible. Consider reading it. having 8 children is a great challenge but do something to have time also for God. While taking care of your children, you can talk to God in short prayers. Having that number of children, you really need God's help. Always remember that God reveals Himself to those who seek Him. Remember what the Lord reveals in Himself in everything you do...
@saahilin (89)
• India
10 Dec 07
thanks for sharing yourself with trueness
• Trinidad And Tobago
10 Dec 07
I admire your desire for the Lord. This is a sign that God is calling you. He first puts the desire in us to want to serve him. But as for your guide, I would say read his book of directions on christian living and what we must do to serve him - the bible. Pray and listen to where he leads you to go. In time you will know his voice. Like you I have been a christian all my life. But not strong. Am now picking up myself to continued growth in Christ through the church God has me in - the Seventh-Day Adventist church.