Do you play an instrument?

United States
December 10, 2007 10:55am CST
Would you like to learn? What instrument do you or would you like to play? I tried piano and guitar when I was a kid, but I don't seem to have an aptitude for it. I learned a couple of basic songs though, which I still can play, like Three Blind Mice, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I would really love to try learning to play the xylophone. I went to a music recital and saw the children playing them- they fascinate me. The music is beautiful.
7 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Dec 07
I learned to play the cornet a little bit in grade school. I was in band for 1 year. I never got very good at it, and did not stick it out. We had a piano when I was growing up, but I never learned how to play it. I think my sister was the only one who knew how.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Dec 07
I'm not familiar with the cornet- what type of instrument is it?
• United States
12 Dec 07
the cornet is like a smaller version of the trumpet.
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• India
10 Dec 07
I play guitar very well. Not much good in bass,but mostly into acoustic & electric. So instrument i would like to lean is the bass. With that i also want to learn piano & saxophone.
• United States
10 Dec 07
I love acoustic guitar, it has such a lovely sound.
@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
10 Dec 07
I have always wanted to play the drums and I would rally like to attend a class and take some lessons on how to play it properly. However, i have to shelf that idea since now I have to make sure that the extra money is allocated to my 8-month-old son and at the same time I do not think that my neighbors would appreciate me drumming away in the middle of the night.
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• United States
10 Dec 07
Not to mention how much sleep your baby would lose! My husband plays drums, and my son loves it, he has been playing since he was 9 months old. I have tried it, but I don't have the coordination for it. It looks easy, but it's not.
• Trinidad And Tobago
10 Dec 07
I play the recorder very well. My 4 yr old girl is also picking it up fast. hehe.
• United States
10 Dec 07
The recorder in one instrument I could never stick with. I tried it in school, but I didn't like it.
@dhamrait (71)
• India
18 Dec 07
I would like to play the guitar. I have tried it when I was young and forgot the basics even. Wish there's a wayto relearn faster.
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• United States
10 Dec 07
Ahh i play an instrument or two. Electric guitar in a band called My Fighting Side and piano.. all by myself. If i had to pick one of them i would pick the piano because its easy to sing with and it has a warm sound. You should pick back up the piano or guitar because it might seem hard at first but once you get a little bit better it'll be worth it. and the xylophone is cool. i like it, but its not as romantic as the piano. =]]
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• United States
10 Dec 07
That's true- the piano is very romantic. Maybe I could learn it if I stuck with it, I just didn't have the patience for it when I was a child.
@MaxWerd (17)
• Brazil
18 Dec 07
Yeah, I play guitar, bass, drums (a Little Bit), and harmonica. I always wanted to learn playing transversal. I start trying to play drums, but I was so young, and 3 years later I taked a guitar and learn to play with my friends, who help me too with the bass. And my uncle teach me to play harmonica.
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