discovery is adding to our knowledge,right..?!

i like that... - the best...
@hanreq (1444)
December 14, 2007 2:15am CST
.....give some your discover to our earth....:)
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1 response
@liera0 (280)
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
Discovery channel is my favorite along with the National Geographics channel. I have learn things from there. Things which I didn't get to know in school. My cousin's daughter is liking it too. She is a very active girl. I once lure her to watch discovery channel at 2 yrs old by telling her what animal is in TV. She seems to enjoyed being a baby tiger. Up to know she still watches. She doesn't know the channel but if your going through the channel and pass by discovery with animals on then you will have to forget the program you're going to watch coz she would insist you watch discovery channel.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
15 Dec 07 daughter is intelligent,great...he he...:)