Keeping Secrets From Friends That Would Hurt

December 15, 2007 6:42am CST
I was once trapped in a dilemma of my best friend and her boyfriend. I've known by girl friend much longer then I had known her boyfriend. One day I was at her house with other of her family members and he was there. So she introduced us, I spoke and went about my way. Months after ; he tried to hit on me and I told him I wasn't interested and number one he was my friend's man. He kept trying to talk to me and I kept saying that I didn't want to talk to him. Finally I got tired of it all and told him if he didn't stop, that I would tell her. He knew I meant what I said so he stopped.It made me feel bad for awhile that I didn't tell her what kind of a man she was dealing with. On the other hand I didn't want it to ruin the friendship that we had. She may have taken it the wrong way. Eventually they broke up because she found quite a few phone numbers laying around that he had gotten.I was glad the truth was finally out without me having to tell her.Have you ever had this happen to you? What would you do ?
1 response
• Philippines
15 Dec 07
that's really a dilemma, but good for you coz the problem slipped away without you being knownly involved. but if this happens to me, i think i should not tell my friend yet until he does something really serious.
16 Dec 07
It wasn't like I was keeping anything from her ; but sometimes people don't want to be told about things like that and respond in other manners. I didn't want to risk that. Thank you for your response.