Did you know milk can sid in weight loss?

By Amy
Abernathy, Texas
December 15, 2007 10:16pm CST
That's right. Now don't go out and buy ten gallons of ice cream! And for you guys who have always thought that dairy products are to fattening - for this actually includes products that include calcium - yogurt, cheese, milk - and have taken out of your healthy lifestyle changes while trying to lose weight - you may want to reconsider. Let me say, before I forget that calcium can be hard to absorb so you'll have to spread the recommended amount, 1,200 to 1,600 milligrams of calcium per day, out to all of your meals and your three healthy snacks. For yogurt, I would recommend the kind that also has active cultures and enzymes that promote a healthy digestive system. Not only will this help you in your goals but your digestive tract, believe it or not is a key component to your immune system. With a healthy digestive tract comes overall health benefits. Why would you want to have a digestive tract that toxifies your system? :) If you don't like yogurt, try freezing it, not only does it seem like a nice frozen treat, but it changes the consistency - which was for me, what I didn't like about yogurt in the past. I would also recommend Brmmel and Brown yogurt butter. Now, keep in mind, before you say eww, that I hated yogurt and its consistancy - this is the consistancy of soft butter - like "I can't believe its not butter" and it doesn't taste like yogurt! Keep in mind that if you don't make other healthy lifestyle changes like decreasing your calorie intake if its too high, making sure the calories you do take in are a rainbow of foods, taking out unhealthy snacks and of course excercise - you're not going to see results. This aids in weight loss - its one element in a healthy lifestyle. Not a magic pill folks! Look up - calcium for weight loss or the like for further research. Thanks and good luck living a life of moderation!
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