do you respect to other people that you met you...?!

respect is the best way to communicate to other... - respect is the best way to communicate to other....
@hanreq (1444)
December 16, 2007 1:30am CST
don't judge a negative if you will not sure if who the person.......:)
1 person likes this
11 responses
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
17 Dec 07
Hi sure we cant judge unless we react and sure i do respect others when i meet them as i believe Respect begets Respect take care
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
17 Dec 07
thats great.....i know you do that not saying only,right...?!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
17 Dec 07
Ha ha ha dont be doubt full its what i do i am not THAT bad dear
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
17 Dec 07
ha ha....oh...easy......don't anger me...i'm just asking....:)
• China
20 Dec 07
hhooooo~~~ i thnk i alwayz gv da positive view when i mEet s0meonE 1st time...believe 4doin so,i als0 can get return respect...however,there alwayz be some0ne who not w0rth respectin n 4th0ze,I jus gv a FuuuCk!
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
21 Dec 07
..he show the real you....for that reason its not problem if how you respect to if what you think the right...:)
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
25 Dec 07
oops sorry to hurt....i can't say everything to you because its hard to me to tell you the right sentence,if what i mean....i'm not expert to english.....:)
• China
22 Dec 07
oohh...s0 wat u mean by wat i thnk?u dnt thnk i should do dat way?~~~huuuhuuu...anyway,im jus da one like dat n hard 2 get changed...thx4ur rep!hv fun!
@nkhanna (922)
• India
18 Dec 07
hi hanreq. i think that in today's world the simple principle is being followed which states respect others then only one will get respect in turn and if you one does not respect you ,dont you see to that person,because heo r she deserves i respect everyone i meet ,whether he is poor man or a rich,so that i can expect the same from them as well.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
18 Dec 07're perfectly are so kind for everyone....hope you don't change your attitude...take care...:)
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
19 Dec 07
...thats great......stay you are......and if what you say,doing true in your are nice person for everyone.....:)
@nkhanna (922)
• India
19 Dec 07
well thanks a lot fro the best response.i will never change this attitude of mine.this is a promise of mine to myself.
• United States
22 Dec 07
What you are saying is don't judge a book by it's it up and take a look and read and grasp the content before judgment is to be made...Chat with the person and get to know the person before you make any kind of bad or good remarks about the person...most times silence is golden...
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
23 Dec 07
...thats great......well,its not me to say,just asking only....:)
• China
19 Dec 07
year ``i think we should keep positive all the time ``but i also think you should do something to protect yourself````as a nation who are invaded by a neighborhood----japan``` there is always something in our emotion`` sorry ``` i say too much ` we should positive to every ````you are all my friends`i love all of you`
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
20 Dec 07
......oh....thats are so sweet...thanks for sharing....:)
• China
20 Dec 07
wat u said n ur pic seemz we da same nati0n...even tho I try2be p0sitive2japan,itz hard4me...i jus keep myslf thnk bout it as little as I can... jus hv fun here!!!
• China
20 Dec 07
year``i think so ``just keep easy`` keep happy ```not every like hideki tojo`` most of us like peace`
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
25 Dec 07
Yes,I respect the persons I meet,because they both have the character for it. For beautiful one I respect for their attract appearances,and for unlovely I respect for their quiet hearts. For successful one I love for they give me the experiences,and for failure I love for they give me lectures. For wealthy one I admire their abundant of things,and for the poor I admired their ambitious. ......... And they will respect me for my humanity.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
26 Dec 07
......oh...thats great......still be a nice person....:)
@bishu_sinha (1457)
• India
18 Dec 07
Agreed with you. Always be possitive.. We should respect all.. Love them as much you can give.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
18 Dec 07
thats great.....thanks...:)
@oliverdt (1958)
• Philippines
19 Dec 07
I always respect people that i met. Thats the only way to let them respect you as you to them.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
19 Dec 07
thats good...:)
• Philippines
18 Dec 07
yes, I deffinately do respect other people...It is a must that I respect them to have a harmoniuos relationship within my community,work place and everywhere so to avoid get someone get hurt or offend anyone..
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
19 Dec 07
.....thats great.......if what are you saying,doing true in your life...thanks....:)
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
16 Dec 07
The only way that I can be respected is when I respect other people. :)
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
17 Dec 07
.....its good....:)
• Indonesia
19 Dec 07
yes, don't judge a person from its appearance or from story you hear about the don;t know the true, right ?
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
19 Dec 07
yeah,you're exactly right....thanks...:)