Any tips for a skinny guy?

@bridc1 (28)
United States
December 16, 2007 2:42pm CST
I'm 19, and I'm a real skinny guy. I've read a ton about the subject of weight gain, as well as excersize, diet... all that stuff. I've been hitting the gym for a few years now on a very regular basis. No matter what I do though, I never seem to gain a single pound. I get stronger though, so it's not like I'm not seeing any results. I've gotten a lot stronger... but that's it. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone have any advice or personal experiences with this that can help me out?
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1 response
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
16 Dec 07
My brother 6'1" weighed only 105 when he graduated high school, he always had the same problem when he was young. He is now 40 and has gained plenty of weight to make up for it. Enjoy it while you are young and keep up the weight training, because you will not always be that way, most likely.