Do you have a good friend from college who you keep to connect with???

@zhwbeast (326)
December 24, 2007 9:49pm CST
The special today brings the past christmas days in college up to my memory.Those days we would together with my classmates or roommates on the grass-ground,play games and sing till the coming of middlenight. Special from others,there would be a person come into my memory and become more clear.He was my roommate amd mow is my best friend,I could not forget the time we study and game together.The character we are so diffirent,but we know each other.Although now we also often admit a day to play game on net. So,there comes a question that do you have a friend from college like me.
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6 responses
• Philippines
25 Dec 07
My classmates and I keep in touch more through SMS and we haven't seen each other for like, years anymore since we all are so busy in our own careers etc.... Yes I miss those times with them during college and of course, the parties! :)
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
25 Dec 07
After gratuated from college,we have to struggle for our future.Time we can spend for ourself is become less than ever before. Thanks for your responds and good luck,friend.
• Philippines
25 Dec 07
Thanks for the topic!
• Philippines
7 Jan 08
thanks for the best response ;)
• China
28 Dec 07
yes, there are many, many friends I have, good friends. The classmates and roommates in college is only partial, I have also many best friends in senior high school, and in junior high school, even in elementary school. We often connect with each other by phone, and have a party about once a month, or once a year. we are all happy, we will keep our friendship for ever.
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
28 Dec 07
The relationship with our best friends will not become a end of each us. thank you for your respond,good luck.
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
25 Dec 07
yah, we are three in college that until now we still have communication..but the other friend of mine, she's already in the US, so i used to connect her through emails and chat, but the other friend of mine, sometimes we bond, texting, going to beach with our kids..its nice to have friends like that..friends that you can count on in times of troubles and happiness..merry christmas to you..
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
25 Dec 07
It's a pit that one of your friends could not together with you two from another country.And it's also a luck that the last of you friends lives with you.My friend is far from me and we could not seen each other from gratuated. thanks for your respond,Good luck.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Dec 07
Yes, I still keep a contact with a few of my college friends and they are also my best friends.
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
26 Dec 07
Always the classmates from college will become our best and helpful friends,for the years we spent together and the development of our business. Thank you for your respond.
• United States
25 Dec 07
i never went to college sorry i never even finished high school but i do keep in touch with some of my classmates
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
26 Dec 07
I'm sorry to hear that. And I think the time you leave school is also full of excitement and many friends. thank you for your respond.
@Ann2407 (305)
• China
25 Dec 07
yeah, i do have such kind of good friends form college,we still often keep in touch now.And i spent wonderful christmas holidays with my friends in college,the days i will never forget.
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
25 Dec 07
Yes,the days in the college was without any worries and the classmates were kind,I think everyone could not forget it. Thanks for yout respond,and good luck.