What are you going to be doing now?

@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
December 30, 2007 7:03pm CST
Well, the holidays are over. At least the expensive ones! How'd everyone do? Spend to much, forget to hit the "after christmas" sales of 90% off (yes I did forget!) for deoc for next year. NOt interested in another holiday for awhile? Tired of eating, baking and cooking? Then what are you going to do now? Is it time to schedule all the doctors appts? Clean out the house? Reorganize _________? I have some reorganizing to do and I get to see my grand daughaters again on a regular basis, and need to find other things to do online for earnings. I need to work on my freelance kind of writting, my blogs and my Squido lenses. I need to get about 500 photos into photo albums for me, and my 2 grand daughters and clear off some memory cards to a digital camera so I can give it to my son, cause I got a new one for Christmas and he doesnt' have a camera to take pics of his beautiful little princess Ash who loves Blue's Clue's (she calles it Boo Coos) and get my other 7 yo GD to a local dinosaur museum and feed her dino craving to learn more abuot them! What's on your schedule?
4 responses
@my52cents (569)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Your list makes me tired just to read it! Of course except for the granddaughters mine is similar. I got a new ceiling fan for Christmas and it has been installed - I love it! - and now I really do need to get around to painting the living room. Of course I'll have to get up off this computer chair first, which is where I need to be for most of my goals. Squidoo and blogging are at the top of the list, of course, and MyLot will certainly fit in there on a regular basis. I even set up a Facebook profile this weekend (ugh, just one more thing to maintain). I have to get back to publishing articles, which in many cases just means converting a blog post to an article (how time-consuming could that be?). I have lists and lists, which need to be consolidated and prioritized. There are just so many good ideas and still only 24 hours in the day! I fear I will leave out the important in favor of the urgent.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
31 Dec 07
You are my twin! But you got most of the energy! No fair!! Facebook? What's up with that? Something else to help earn some money? Articles are my first priority - well when I don't have my babies - but I have to get that going again. I hate writers block and I have been blocked for some time! But I have made a decision, if you call it that , that I will walk the treadmill every day between 9:30 and 10 so I "get up out of this chair" too! It suddenly hit me how much time I do spend in this chair, however, duped by how little I have accomplished. So... Get out of the chair might help me figure some things out to do! First thing on my To Do List - - - make a To Do List!
• United States
31 Dec 07
Energy?? I remember that! If you saw me hobbling around here lately, you wouldn't say I got most of the energy. You're the one who keeps up with two little girls. Even part-time, that takes energy! Good point about making the to-do list being at the top of your to-do list. I agree! LOL
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
31 Dec 07
YOu have a busy schedule. I am concentrating on relaxing:) Didn't spend much money this season because for the first time I didn't have much. SO I let the big sales pass too :) I"M not exactly tired because I've been relaxing hehehe But I am doing a bit of house cleaning. The darn superstition about having everything nice and clean or the whole year will be messy haunts me LOL
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
31 Dec 07
arkaf61 - I can clear your susperstition! My house is clean the first of every year, and the year still haunts me, so go have fun and don't do any cleaning!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
31 Dec 07
That's what I thought. IT hasn't been working for me either LOL Oh well, this year is going to be the first that me and hubby will be alone - no kids. MY daughter is going to city hall with her friends. It's usually quite nice but I don't feel like braving the cold for that many hours. And my son asked to stay at a friend's house which makes sense because then he will be with other kids his age playing video games LOL So it's me and hubby. I think I will just do a light normal cleaning and use the rest of the time to prepare a nice romantic diner instead:):):):):)
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
31 Dec 07
I am installing some pull-out shelves in the lower kitchen cabinets. This started when we got a coupon from Lowe's for $10 off any $25 or more purchase, so I bought one shelf set and then at the register they gave me another coupon for $10 if we buy more so I'm going tomorrow and getting another shelf AND another coupon. So I will have 3 cabinets to upgrade. The rest we can do anytime.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Dont you just love those bargains! And you get a nice kitchen to boot! Well, don't boot it, just enjoy it! I just moved to an apt that has the best pantry - long and and only about 10 inches deep - can see everything I got instead of the other kind that are 2 feet deep and stuff just gets lost in that dark black area way there in the back!
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
8 Jan 08
Absolutly nothing. And I am so excited about it. I had way too much of a busy "Holiday" this year. To me it wasn't a holiday but work. We had people over about 5 days out of 10, for supper. We had a family of 4 stay for 5 days with us. We went out 4 days for supper to other family members. We went to my hubby's work christmas party. We did some last minute shopping. And now that it is all over we got a few weekend construction jobs. I haven't had any time to rest since December 15th and it's enough. It is now "me" time for the next couple weeks, I hope.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 Jan 08
Good for you! Sounds like it is just what you need! Have fun!