Firefox add ons?

@jormins (1223)
United States
December 31, 2007 7:51pm CST
I a recent convert to the Firefox side and love using it but I have seen people talking about configuring certain things and add ons. Do I need to worry about any of this? I think the only downer is sometimes when I try to cut & paste firefox won't allow it but besides that everything has been great compared to my old ie 7.0
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1 response
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
15 Jan 08
I have an Apple Mac so I don't have Internet Explorer and the Mac comes with Safari, but I can't get on with Safari so I switched over to Firefox as it was highly recommended to me at the time, well I made the switch and I must say it was the best change ever! I love Firefox it is so user friendly and compatible with Macs, that I wouldn't go back to Safari or any other browser, I am still finding out new things about it, so found your discussion useful, thanks.
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