How Do You Feel About the Death Penelty in America Compared to Life In Prison?

United States
January 5, 2008 2:02pm CST
Coming to you from the queen of controversy another one of my well thought out discussions. All you "sanctity of human rights and civil liberties" bleeding hearts bring it on! (You know I love you all right?) I was asked by a roving reporter when I was 15 years old what I thought about this very topic. Being a kid back then and hardly qualified to answer such a question my response still made the headline of that Sundays newspaper column. (Probably because I was a kid giving the answer I did) I told the reporter that anyone convicted of a crime and sentenced to life in prison should automatically be fried because there was no reason my tax dollars (funny I was 3 years away from even thinking about getting a job) should support them in prison for however many years while they got a roof over their heads, 3 meals a day, exercise, employment and all the other benefits they receive while locked up. Now that I am older my opinion has only slightly changed. I know innocent people get sentenced for things they didn't do all the time. So people who get life in prison should get a decade to prove their innocence. There are plenty of organizations out there who do nothing but try to get the innocent freed from prison. So give the innocent ones 10 years to prove they didn't do it. If they can't oh well, can't say they didn't try. Those who get life in prison as opposed to the death penalty should be forced to wear different colored uniforms detailing what they have been convicted of. Child molesters/rapists have to wear pink, woman beaters yellow, rapists white, etc. etc. then stick these people out in the general population and let the other prisoners have at them for 5 years. If they make it that long ask them if they WANT to be executed. I am sure the majority would be lining up for a lethal injection. And the ones proven dead to rights of being guilty of a capital crime just execute them and do the rest of us a favor. If I see one more documentary from someone crazy man who has been on death row for 35 years I am going to go postal on the producers of Date Line. So what are your thoughts on this topic?
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