What are you doing for valentines day?

United States
January 9, 2008 4:23pm CST
What is everyone doing for valentines day? I want to plan something for my boyfriend but i'm not sure! Let me know what you have planned, whether it be something big, or even tiny! =] i'm up for suggestions and REALLY need your help
7 responses
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Not doing anything for Valentines. [If you want ideas though here go a few] - A simple dinner out for just the two of you - Take a walk around the park and talk with each other - If up to it, try a traditional dance hall, or maybe dance somewhere more comfortable - A weekend getaway can work, "abduct" your boyfriend and go some place nice - Prepare a favorite meal or both of you can do this for fun and memories - Start or continue a sort of tradition for dating/relationship (scrapbook, or anything you feel is appropriate)
• United States
12 Jan 08
You made me depressed now lol.
• United States
13 Jan 08
Nah, the first list was worse. The second list is more day-to-day type things to me. The first were sweet and romantic and thing I know I'll never get to experience.
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
13 Jan 08
You may want to avert the eyes for a second then Lex! And I must admit I have lingering depression on this too, but not too bad (yet?) Now for more ideas - Bake valentines cake either large or short (possibly chocolate or valentine colour theme) - Exchange candies with each other. Something that you can each give to each other for tasting and thinking. - See a movie, either one that is out, or cuddle up and watch a few at home - Have a picnic if possible, or maybe have an "indoors" one - Share a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate and spend at least an hour or two alone together
• United States
9 Jan 08
We probably aren't doing anything. We've been together over 4 years and I'm sick of being the one to initiate romance and he's got to pay for school, so there probably won't be anything going on...again.
• United States
9 Jan 08
Yeah I know what you mean. School is crazy to pay for, and I know that it gets hard sometimes. We may end up not doing anything... I wanted to start a tradition (like going to the park or something silly) but school doesnt consider that a holiday so yeah, we may end up doing nothing!! haha thanks for your response!!
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
12 Jan 08
Oh, it will be Thursday night. Our daughter will have the school the next day, so we cannot have a nightout unless having a child minder or return earlier. So we prefer to celebrate it at the end of the Valentines week. LOL But for you young people, please make the most of it and have fun!!!
@mlhuff12 (797)
• United States
12 Jan 08
As of today. Unfortunately nothing. Maybe joining my mom of doing nothing. Perhaps with a bit of fruit and chocolate fondue, any reason for chocolate is good.
@nichole1983 (1187)
• Canada
12 Jan 08
Sadly to say my fiance will be working 2 provinces over so he won't be able to get away from there till the end of June or July. When they are staying in hotels it's ok for us to be there but when they are in camps. Well it's a no go. And valentine's day will be spent in camp. I won't get to celebrate till he's done then we will be heading to Jasper, Alberta for my birthday and Valentines Day. I get all the holidays in one. Woo Hoo. So I will probably just stay home with my daughters and paint them red. :P
• United States
12 Jan 08
well dis time i cant go out vd my girlfriend cuz she is in india and i am in california for my commercial pilot training...its goonna be really sad dis time !well but in ur case you can go out sumwhere outside the city where there is peace and a bit far from the busy life of our everyday routine....den in the eve you can go clbbing of have a candle light dinner...it ud be fun to be on the beach during the sunset!!datsall i can say or infact i ud have done tha if ws in india this year...
10 Jan 08
I'm not doing anything for valentines day, because me and Joey don't usually celebrate it. Its just another normal day to me, because its basically a day where people waste loads of money buying presents for their partner and spend alot going out somewhere. The only thing me and Joey have done to celebrate valentines day (when it was just us two and we were only teenagers) is we had a photo took of us together in one of those photo booths for a few years in a row. ~Joeys wife