I hate claire,

@shomomo (850)
January 12, 2008 11:43am CST
She is such a shallow character, I saw a few movies with her and even in the movies she's a cheerleader. I don't understand how is she still in the show, she produces absolutely nothing to the series, they need to take her out. Let me know if you think so too :)
10 responses
@olrayt (37)
• Philippines
19 Jan 08
Oh man, I like Claire. But it wouldn't hurt is had a little more grit in her, like that other regenerative superhuman Wolverine.
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@Zhanec (1651)
• Malaysia
20 Jan 08
what?? she is doing fairly well.i wouldn't say that she is skilled but hey..Newcomer need experienced too.So give them a chance to practice and proved them self She not all that bad in acting .Beside i found her suitable for taking over such character.
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@emarie (5442)
• United States
13 Jan 08
well, she's been type casted for a while. Her Hayden's first move was actually a really good one if anyone remembers... "Remember The Titans" ?? that was a really good movie and she did a nice job in that. Every since...yes, she's had to play a Cheerleader. I'm not sure why she was type-casted for that role, but its not really her fault. I think she's still young and I've seen WORSE actresses then her. She has room to grow and she just needs to get out of the teen cheerleader image. Once she does that I think she'll grow.
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@tails5 (115)
• Australia
12 Jan 08
I agree partially, in herself she doesnt provide much (if anything) to the plot. But she has had a role in the stories of other characters. So taking her out might not be the best idea. Just my opinion.
@emarie (5442)
• United States
13 Jan 08
What do you mean doesn't provide anything to the plot..."Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" but with the new season and Syler now having Clair's blood she doesn't seem irrelevant. But she can still do something. Her powers can't be really used against anyone else, but knowing that her blood can possibly save and give a cure for the disease that will kill the world I think she's a pretty VITAL part of the storyline for Heroes right now.
@tails5 (115)
• Australia
14 Jan 08
Well, you have a point, but without the people that save her, she wouldnt provide to the plot XD
@toms65 (84)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Hey, let's keep in mind that her character is a 17 year old High School student from the suburbs....how much Grit or Depth is that kind of person supposed to have. Especially one who has be basically protected from the world by her father?Second, if this show becomes so shallow that ALL the Heros HAVE to be good-looking, it means the producers only care about appearances and NOT about substance...and you can kiss the quality of this show goodbye! I'm not saying appearance should be ignored, but criticizing characters for a lack of perfection in the beauty area is a bit much. As for her acting skills, well, she is only 19 or so, herself. Take a look at some of the early work of top actors now in their 20's and 30's. Some of their early work was not too impressive. George Clooney is considered a top Hollywood actor now....in the early 80's he was on The Facts of Life for GOD'S SAKE!! So, it's possible she could improve with age...emphasis on possible and could, of course. LOL
@Minotaur (105)
22 Jan 08
Yes, and No. How is that for sitting on the fence. Let me explain. When they first introduced the character, she was interesting, and then quickly became one dimensional. Now in season three she is starting to get interesting again. I really agree that she needs to take other film roles, but as someone said she is young. I just rememeber Sarah Michelle Gellar and think what a waste. Someday she is going to pick a good role.
• Malaysia
19 Jan 08
i like her so much.her character is very good and the most powerful one.moreover heroes is all about save the cheerleader save the world.she is the main role for heroes.she can regenarate. therefore she can help a lot of people especially when they fight against shanti virus.without her the world cannot survive no matter how many mutiple power the characters have.she is very beautiful.it's not her fault if she's born short just like few of people commented here.don't judge people according to their appearance. they need a 16 years old cheerleader character.well that is the only character suits her since she look young.it will not logical if ali larter is given that character isn't it??while for me i think ali's character is just useless.she cannot even control of herself and only dangering others around her. well...we will just wait how each character develops further in season 3
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
15 Jan 08
Hahaha! It's claire bashing time here. Anyways, she has been doing cheerleader stuffs in movies, but hey she sings well too. :D
• Brazil
14 Jan 08
Agree. She is not good actress. But she is principal piece of the history :( Save the Cheerleader save the world. Take its out of heroes, its depend of director.
• United States
21 Jan 08
I think Nikky needs to be taken out before Claire, Nikky has more of a pointless role in the show.