Prison break is amazing

@shomomo (850)
January 12, 2008 11:46am CST
I can't wait to see what will happen after michael will get out of Sona. I think they took it to a totally different area and the plot is still very interesting, my top favorite between the 3 greats (Lost, Heroes, Prison Break).
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7 responses
@fairyanny (363)
• China
14 Jan 08
Yeah,me too.I think I just need to wait a little longer for I am not in the USA.It is a pity.I cann't help watching it,it must be more wonderful next.
• China
14 Jan 08
Well,I am quite agree with you...Just waiting for it,and I am dying to watch it on the internet....
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Prison Break is one of my favorite shows too, I wish they wouldn't have let Sarah get killed though.
• Philippines
27 Feb 08
It's my favorite too. I even bought a DVD copy of all their episodes from Season 1 and 2. I can't find a complete DVD episodes of the Season 3 so I haven't watch it yet. But I will.
@rangics (1334)
• Philippines
23 Jan 08
I totally agree with you pal! I'm a Prison Break addict too. LOL! I love scofield! ;)
• Philippines
27 Feb 08
You are right! I really love Wentworth he is really perfect for the character Michael. His facial expression, face, body and everything is just perfect. I really wanted to see him in person. Lolz
• Philippines
8 Feb 08
I agree with you. I just watched episode 11 of season 3. I can't wait to see if they can make it.
@chanrun (103)
• China
29 Jan 08
yes,i can't wait it,it prison break is amazing, my top favorite between the 3 greats(prison break ,csi,heroes)
@klakus (64)
• Ghana
12 Jan 08
proson break is just fascinationg.i like the wsy they keep us in suspence.can't wait for season continua.well my fav 3 includes Heroes and 24