All I want is to write and record my music

@shomomo (850)
January 13, 2008 10:27am CST
I just bought a new sound card so I can connect my electric guitar and record with it, Unfortunately, I don't have any money left for a microphone, considering the fact that in a month or so I won't really have time for anything (collage), I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I hate to ask this but donations would be great (it's not that much, any sum will do, plus I promise to send you a couple of songs that I'll make), although I hate asking for these kind of things, hmm, perhaps a ptr accounts that is close to the minimum or even a good ptr that has no minimum... I'm not asking for much, that's pretty much the only reason I wanted to make money online in the first place, to start recording songs, I hope you'll understand.
1 response
• United States
13 Jan 08
If music is really your dream sell something of yours like clothes