life is full of difficuties

January 13, 2008 6:32pm CST
Do your have your life aim? I have made a decision that three years later I will go to Americian to learn a MBA courses. But now I have to work hard to earn my tuition. Sometimes I feel life is full of difficuties. I don't know wether my dream can come true one day, but I have to work hard to make it.
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2 responses
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
14 Jan 08
I have several dreams, hopes, and ideas of what I would like to do with my life. It's been really hard lately because I just graduated college. I've come to a point we're I've been saying, "Now what?" I tried to set some specific goals for myself even before I got done with college so I could have something to reach for. Unfortunately, I didn't really write them down and have been having a hard time keeping track of them. Fulfilling those goals is another story. I haven't been doing well at all in reaching my goals, at least the goals I remember anyway. It seems to me that no matter what goals I set for myself, something will always come up (like an obstacle) to keep me from doing what I want to do and completing what I want to get done in life. Some goals of mine would be to get married, have children and a family, have a successful marriage, find a career (unless I'm already in the field I need to be as I have a full-time job at the moment), be as successful as I can be, and make a difference in the world by helping other people. I think these goals are great, but it's a daily thing getting to those goals, seeing them, and reaching for them, if you know what I mean. Some days will be more difficult than others, of course. Obstacles will come to make sure we really want to reach our goals and to make sure we're on our toes, so to speak. I believe I will be able to reach my goals. It's only a matter of how and when. I appreciate you starting this discussion as sometimes I have a difficult time keeping myself in check! (LOL) I'm a very organized person, so sometimes it's easy to overlook small details when, at times, those are the most important. Thanks again and good luck to you in reaching your life aims as well!
• China
22 Jan 08
thank you very much for your response. now i am deeply feeling what you have said.Yes, i feel there are so many unexpected things in the way to fulfill my dream. I don't know whether my dream can come true one day,but i have work hard, i know if i don't have a dream i will is so hard for me, i need the bright future to support me to live. i wish you good luck in your life:) tomorrow will be better,i believe!
@xuyuting (72)
• China
14 Jan 08
some times i have the same feeling.i always feel life is difficut,since i have been gratuade this year.i can't find a good job .the salary is very slow .and it is so cold these days.the temperature is below zero .i need to walk half a hour to go to work.and there is big wind.and my life aim is to be a english teacher.i will learn english well.and realize my aim.even life is difficute but i think we all can realize our aim .and get the things we want .