COREY TEENAGER OWES 20,000 after party riot

Corey "Party Idiot" - photo of corey after the party damage was done!
January 15, 2008 10:29pm CST
Young teen left alone (first mistake) threw a party and posted invites on My Space (second mistake) got out of control and guest damaged aprox $20,000 worth of property (thirdmistake) this boy thinks he is famous!all the media attention has gone to his head.If i was his parents ild be getting out a loan and he would be paying it off!this teen thinks he is so cool...but whats so cool? COngrats you owe $20,000,that could have got him his first car!What do you think?would you,leave your child alone while on holiday?could you trust them? what would your punishment be for him?is he a legend or an idiot? whats your opinion on the matter!?
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4 responses
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
16 Jan 08
I don't think I'll have it in me to leave my child alone especially during the Holidays. If you're responsible as a parent , then you should be bringing your child with you instead of leaving him alone unguarded and unsafe. Yeah, that Corey must be thinking how cool and famous he is now but if I was his mother, I would definitely ground him, cut some allowance off and would probably even make him work during summer to pay the $20,000 worth of property that his so-called guests damaged. The boy is not a legend at all, he's an idiot! L: The fact that he invited people on myspace?! I doubt that he doesn't even know all the people who have gone to his party. Who knows what more could have gone wrong during that party. I'm glad that none of em had any injuries or something even worse. That's a lesson for him.. and he should be straightening things out and pay for what he owe to his parents.
• Australia
16 Jan 08
YES! pitty he doesnt see it as a lesson though,to him its just a joke..i really hope his parents dig into him. I also think the media should leave him be so his head doesnt grow any bigger :P
• Philippines
16 Jan 08
Yeah. The media should definitely leave him and end the story.. It's not like the boy is a celeb already. He just had a party , etc. The parents are partly to blame but they should really do something to give their child the lesson he deserves.
• Australia
16 Jan 08
Yeah..The media should find out what the punishment is and then leave him alone lol.(i want to know what the kids punishment is) It was on the news again last night just repeating stuff allready said. Surley theres something better the media can talk about?
@vincet (7)
• Australia
20 Jan 08
I think he is a Idiot!congratulations kid you owe 20,000.. i cencerly hope his parents pay ziltch and he has to pay every cent. Maybe he would get a little sympathy if he showed more remorse,rather than thinking his gods gift to earth. Kid obviously needs to learn a lesson,and take responsibilty for his actions
• Australia
20 Jan 08
Hey, Yes i hope his parent pay ziltch too the kids neeeds to learn responsibility
@anonymili (3138)
18 Jan 08
He's neither a legend nor an idiot, he's just a regular teenager doing what regular teenagers do (apart from the ones that actually have respect for their parents - may sound harsh but most teenagers don't)! His parents are the ones at fault for leaving him alone. I don't really have sympathy for him or his parents, $20,000 is an expensive way to learn a lesson on all parts but I hope they make him pay off at least a large portion of that debt - throwing a party is something he won't be doing again in a hurry! I don't have children (nor do I intend to) but I remember what it was like being a teenager! Anyone who can remember that far back should surely think twice before leaving their teenage kids alone at home! As for trusting them - you should really know your own kids well enough to decide whether or not they can be trusted with that big a responsibility of being left home alone!
• Australia
19 Jan 08
He is a regular teenager,however i think he is an idiot,not for what he did but his attatude about it.. hes going around thinking he is a legand when really... no he just made a huge mistake,made alot of people unhappy,and got alot of attention. I agree who would leave there teenager alone,but at some point you got to do it..maybe they thought he was responsible enough.(they thought wrong) Thanks for your opinion
• Philippines
16 Jan 08
It's just the same as throwing $20,000 away! It could have made him more happier by buying stuff that he likes and needs with the amount of money. I don't think parents should let young teens be alone, unless he is really responsible type of child.
• Australia
16 Jan 08
Yep..o wow what i could do with $20,000..he wouldnt be my favourite person on the block.