What if you see a fetus on the toilet?

January 17, 2008 5:36am CST
I watched the news today (as always) and they said that a fetus was discovered by a janitor at the back of Malacanang Palace (same like White House of the U.S.) The fetus was said to be 7 to 9 months and still has its umbilical cord and is still in the baby bag (dunno how to call it)... It's so pitiful and sad that women nowadays treat abortion as a little thing. And this fetus is already full grown. What do you think about this? What if you see one, what'd you do? For me maybe I would report it to the authorities.. But is there a way to find out if whose fetus it is? Thanks
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4 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
17 Jan 08
Um, weird. How did this lady being 7 months pregnant go through labor, not make a mess, not bleed out, etc and how did the baby stay in the amniotic sac? Just seems rather odd to me. But if I found this, I would report it. A baby who has spent 7 months in the womb can - if treated properly - develop properly.
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@musicman6 (2407)
• United States
17 Jan 08
I think it's a shame that anyone would do this to a newborn baby! Yes, I would definitely report it to the authorities! I don't know if there would be anyway they could figure out whose fetus it would be!
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@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
17 Jan 08
That is so sad I don't know how someone could do that. They must feel sad surely by what has happened. I don't know if there is a way to track down the birth Mother, I hope there is. Maybe they'll find out by a DNA test or something. It's so sad.
@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
17 Jan 08
if,i saw that fetus maybe i should reports to authorities too.but the question is do authorities take actions in philippines,
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