most boring day!

January 17, 2008 5:44am CST
I guess everyone has had a boring day in our life, doing nothing or doing things that we don't like to do... I remember when I was appointed as sales officer in the bank I'm working in, I had to go with our business manager to the companies of our prospect clients. It's exciting but way back then I wasn't really interested in being in the sales department. That was not what I wanted, and I considered that day one of the most boring days of my life. What's yours? What did you do in that day that you find boring? What did you do to keep that boredom away? (if you did)
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7 responses
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
17 Jan 08
I have no idea what the most boring day of my life is. There were so many that I cannot keep count. If it was boring, I sat around twiddling my thumbs wondering why I am here instead of taking a walk, and why when they say something should come today and in the morning, they do not mean the morning in another time zone. I usually wrote, sang, danced around, cleaned the house, and all that stuff. But the package arrived as soon as my husband left for work. I think they were waiting for him to leave.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
18 Jan 08
Hello dear glitzypurple. My most boring day is always the day when we are organized to have a school meeting, which I hate, because it is so boring sitting there for those senseless speeches like dogma. Anyway I still listen to it carefully to show my respect to the speech-maker, as this is the basic requirement to respect the speaker.
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
18 Jan 08
My boring days are every time I stay in-door with nothing else to do but sleep. I don’t normally sleep at day time by the way. I don’t like it when I have nothing to do like reading some books or watching movies. These usually happen during vacation or weekends.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 08
this fast few days, almost a week and hoping not to continue on the following so bored staying at home five days a week... i only out in our house during my two days class and when one of my friend invite me to go out with them..but most of the time, i stay in my room with my laptop!i felt my brain is empty! and this boredom lead to depression! coz i want to work, or to take part-time job but my brother and my mother wont allow me... im stocked in our house...well, im ok now i guess...
18 Jan 08
When I was living in Canada I took very very ill and basically couldn't get out my bed for about a week. I was in a flat share with some girls and at that time they were all knew so I was pretty much left in the room, in my bed on my own and sometimes I would be lying there for hours and hours so bored. I couldn't get up cos I would collapse if I did and I think they felt they didn't know me well enough or maybe they just didn't care. I pretty much done nothing, wasted my brain away!
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@onemile (22)
• China
18 Jan 08
I think i have lots of boring day, and i have no sense of the most one . Yesterday is a one. I find i do nothing yesterday but when i have lots of things to do .
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
26 Jan 08
Almost every day is boring for me since I can't work anymore because of health issues. I don't get out of the house much anymore. I can't wait till the summer so I can go out more. Then I like to go to the park and read a book, or just go for a walk or go visiting. But right now I am home all day long by myself and just work on the computer. I don't know what I would do without my computer. Then I would be even more bored. I need a change in my life and I think it is coming soon.