Are you materialistic? or are you just plain brand name crazy?

United States
January 17, 2008 4:33pm CST
i think that i'm pretty materialistic. i like to have nice stuff and to have other's admire it but i can also be thrifty. i like to make my own stuff like customized old t-shirts or scarves because when i see that other's are admiring it, i can sit there and smile knowing that they can't have it. :) i guess that also means that i'm a bit greedy. hahaha- but really now, are you the materialistic type who likes to have just., nice things? or.. brand name crazy where you'd spend hundreds or thousands to have Gucci shown on your purse?
1 response
• United States
18 Jan 08
It actually really depends. When it comes to clothes, it really doesn't matter too much. I like some name brand clothes, but more for the style and the quality rather than the name on the shirt itself. I could be just as happy with some jeans from Target for $20 bucks as I would paying $11+ a pair for some name brand. At the same time, I am big on accessories and believe that they are the accent to our outfit and I will actually spend a lot of money on those kinds of items, such as watches, wallets, hats, and even shoes. I would much rather have a nice pair of shoes or a nice watch, even necklaces/chains need to look good for me. I would go overboard though, I don't have that kind of money. If I did, I would probably spend my money on other things rather than stock up on too many name brands.