What makes you to become a good person in life?

Good person - What make you a good person?
By Bala
@balasri (26537)
January 22, 2008 12:25am CST
the the way you were brought up, or your urge to become one or the experiences you had.
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11 responses
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
23 Jan 08
Hi,i believe in the way we were brought up to have certain values.If we were learned to have know values we will be ungrateful,ignorant etc and trun to the bad side of life sometimes.If we had good values like politeness,love,caring,respected when we were little,not ignored etc then we will be a better person in life than those that were unfortunate to have no good values at all.Im raising my daughter with good values,to be polite,know good from bad,friendly,loved alot and respected also.It starts when we are young,if we are not learned something then we will not be considerate for others and also for ourselves.It is a building block for our growing up and future life as we are older and it starts in our childhood,also we can learn from our mistakes anytime in our life and it is up to us to change or stay the way we are.I was brought up with all of the good characterstics one should possess,my grand-parents gave me love,respect,and good values to have in life and im very grateful that they did.:) Peanutjar:):)
@balasri (26537)
• India
25 Jan 08
I have seen many good people with a good family background.It always shows that primarily the bringing up of the child plays a major role in making a better person.I have a daughter.She is eleven years old.I with my wife have done our maximum best to instill the good values into her.It is so rewarding to see her as a well mannered,decent,soft spoken lass.You are right as far as I am concerned.Please accept my best response.
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
25 Jan 08
I think it is combination of all the factors you have mentioned. My bringing up would have surely made an impact on my sub-consious mind and you would agree that strong urge in all us always remains for getting attention of others. For getting others' attention one needs to become a good person, because it is a known fact that if you are not 'good', no body would like you or approach you. My experience also tells me that you are good to others, most of them would surely reciprocate in the same manner. So I try my bet to be a good person, as far as possible, yet some of the minus points cannot be deleted altogether from one's nature. Good Post.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
25 Jan 08
Thanks Deepak.One of the perfect person to respond to this discussion.And you have done your job splendidly.
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
25 Jan 08
LOL!...Bala! I am not perfect. Thanks anyway for positive comments. I love to read your wonderful comments.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
22 Jan 08
My parents have had a very important role in making me into a good person, by teaching me what's right and what's wrong, teaching me manners which is so basic and important that some parents forget to install it into their children. Making me aware of my choices and that behaviour breeds behaviour so basically if you come across as a horrid person then you will be treated that way, you only get what you give out in this life, sorry for the cliches.
@balasri (26537)
• India
22 Jan 08
Don't be sorry .Certain things are forever Wolfie.I am with you absolutely.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
22 Jan 08
The most important one will have to be one's urge to become a good person though the other two play an important role too. But as I see it...even if a person wasn't bought up in a good environment and didn't have good experiences he/she can become a good person if they want to. Good upbringing or good experiences alone will not make a person good.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
22 Jan 08
As they always say where there is a will there is a way.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Jan 08
Its actually both. I had a very good and balanced childhood. It was fun growing up with sisters, grand mother and lots of kins. The values were instilled very naturally through various life processes. It was never forced but was made to feel intrinsically. The bringing up had left me with an inner urge to become a good human.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
22 Jan 08
I am happy that I made the right judgment about you my friend.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Jan 08
I am glad that you did. And I am sure that I did my job very well as well.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Of course I was brought up to be a good person ,but to me is important to feel good about myself. Is so rewarding to do good things and is such a wonderful feeling to be able to do good things for others.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
23 Jan 08
If you do not have the inclination nothing could help you.
@anonymili (3138)
23 Jan 08
I think to some extent how we are brought up reflects on how we behave as adults. I like to think the good things we learn from our parents can make us the responsible and caring people most of us would hope to become. On the other hand, I know people who have had quite difficult childhoods and have grown into really good hard-working people despite their difficulties. I think fundamentally if we have good seeds in us we can turn out really well, whereas sometimes if one or both of our parents are bad or what some would say "evil" these traits can be passed on to us as well. At the end of the day, unless there is a medical reason or inheritance of mental health issues we can make our own decisions whether to lead a good life, if that makes sense?
@balasri (26537)
• India
25 Jan 08
That is one of the discussions here touching all the aspects in detail.Thanks.I agree with you absolutely.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
22 Jan 08
I believe that it is a combination of both those things. You can change the things that you learned as a child. It is not easy, but it is possible. You have to first have the desire to be a good person. It does not come naturally. I think that a good person is judge by what they do for others.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
22 Jan 08
Right Rozie.Desire is the vital thing.
• Philippines
22 Jan 08
My parents instilled good values in me. The way I was brought up has a big influence on my way of thinking now. I am not self-righteous but I believe that I am a good person. When I had a son, the more that I became more responsible and careful of my actions. I want to set a good example to my child.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
22 Jan 08
That is a simple straight forward and just beautiful response.It reflects your true nature.
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
My parents and my grandmother both raised me with proper values. I carry them out wherever I go.
• Malaysia
18 Jun 08
what makes you a good person is doing good without the intention of being repaid for it.