Need to move but can't take my cat- advice

United States
January 22, 2008 9:15am CST
I have a lovely 5 year old female cat named gorgeous which I adopted 2 years ago. Now I probably have to move and that means out of the country to Europe and I'm not sure what do with her. I don't know anybody who could take her and I'm scared to give her to someone who won't really care for her. What is the best way here? Please help
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3 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
22 Jan 08
What I would do is find the closest no-kill shelter in your area. That way you know the animal will be cared for and not killed due to over population. Those places heavily screen the people they allow to adopt animals so your cat will find a good home.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Jan 08
go to one of these sites and post her to GREAT HOME ONLY and you will find someone to love her like you do and did join the one near you. I found this lol it is not .com it is .org lol thanks hope this helps
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Jan 08
Why can't you take her? People move and take their pets with them all the time. I would NOT use Craigs list or Free cycle. Vivisection labs and research facilities use those 2 sites often to find their next victim to kill, maim and torture during animal experimentation. I don't see why you can't take her. But put up flyers at your vet's office. Contact local rescue NO KILL groups in your area and see if they have any advice. If you are going to hand her over to a shelter, say your goodbyes. She'll probably be put down within the hour. Most shelters are full to the brim right now with strays and owner surrenders are put down almost immediately. Find a way to take her.
• United States
24 Jan 08
You know I would love to take her but I'm going to live and work at a hotel where I can't take the cat. I have thought about craigslist (by the way it is .org ok)but I know the fear someone will pose as cat lover and so on. I would have to check people out go to their homes etc. she is very shy and doesn't like people too much until she gets used to them. I will look at those groups because thats where I got her from in the first place but I just hate to do that to her again...
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• United States
24 Jan 08
Then don't post it there. You're taking a chance that someone will take her and abuse her.