
January 22, 2008 5:36pm CST
I read a news regarding the death of one young actor, his only 28 years old his filming since his young aged, his Heath Ledger,they found him un-dressed & have some drugs beside in his bed, do you think that he die because of overdose, why poeople keep dealing drug to those poor kids, why all thier target is the young children & dont know what will happen to them & cannot handle when they are overdose. do you think it will lesson to the young children about his death. do you think they will catch who seal him those drug.
2 responses
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
26 Jan 08
they have money and fame, but sometimes they are very lonely.....I new one actor who overdosed years ago. He was very shy and very lonely...but famous...
• China
23 Jan 08
under so much stress ,and always want to satisfy others. i guess he never had the life he wanted ,never be a true himself,always appealing to the public ..poor guy