Can Body Brushing cause jitters?

United States
January 24, 2008 2:36pm CST
I've heard a lot about the benefits of body brushing. I finally purchased a good brush and did my first brush today. I felt fine/normal after I did it. I took a shower immediately after, but when I got out of the shower I was jittery, kinda like I took a caffeine pill or something. I didn't take anything or drink anything beforehand, so the only thing I can think to cause it is the body brushing. I looked all over the internet, but I cannot find out if it does infact cause jitters or the like. If anyone has had any experiences with body brushing, please let me know. I am curious to know whether or not this is normal or if I should not continue doing the brushing.
1 response
• Australia
24 Jan 08
Body Brushing does cause your blood to flow better as it increases circulation so maybe that is what happened. Other than that I don't know why you would be jittery as you are not consuming anything.