Is there a right colour?

@a1intnet (248)
January 28, 2008 3:32am CST
This might spark a chain of abuse, I really hope not because all I have is a simple question and all I'd like to know are your thoughts on it. I need to give you a bit of background first though. I grew up in a country with serious race issues. I am white and grew up 'privileged' just because of the colour of my skin. Of course no situation this extreme could endure and eventually the roles were reversed so that I was passed over for bank loans and jobs because of the colour of my skin. I recently moved countries and am now not served in shops because of the colour of my skin. I don't have a racist bone in my body and were I to choose not to have someone in my home it would be entirely because I did not enjoy their personality and have nothing whatsoever to do with the colour of their skin. Is every country in the world so concerned about what colour you are? Is life based on this where you live or are people allowed to make their choices on who you are rather than what you are? I find it so sad that we are judged in this way. Will there ever be a time when skin colour no longer exists and personality becomes the criteria? What do you think?
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