Where did standards go????

February 12, 2008 12:33am CST
with the ever increasing talk about whos making the best technologies, every one seems to be coming up with their own stuff that suits their own products, you tend to wonder where did all the standards go? blueray,HD, and not to mention the apple VS microsoft business,i go to the shops and i dont know what to buy?
1 response
@bayernfan (1430)
• Canada
14 Feb 08
Sometimes it's best to wait until one technology wins out over the other. Sony's Blu Ray looks like it will be the technology to survive while Toshiba's HD-DVD looks like it will be the BetaMax this time around. If you've got the disposable income and can afford to eat the cost, then by all means buy both technologies. Sometimes it pays dividends to let others cut their teeth on the latest technologies and let them deal with the headaches while the bugs are worked out. Anyone buy the iPhone or Windows Vista right away?