kids using net

February 18, 2008 6:34am CST
In this digital age, do you recommend kids doing studies online or the traditional way of books and pencil?
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7 responses
@tonniek02 (457)
• United States
4 Mar 08
My kids didn't have the Internet when they were in school and they both graduated with a 4.0GPA and on the honor roll. One when on to the Air Force to be a Cop and the other just finish broadcast school. So if your child say's they have to have a computer to do there homework. I would check it out with the school. There are still lots of kids out there that can't afford a computer. And there is so many site that might say one thing and others say something else. No I think the old fashion way is the best. My rule was, As soon as you get home you do your homework, then any jobs that need to be done and then you could do what you wanted. My oldest went to school full time, worked full time and still maintained a 4.0 GPA.
• United States
5 Mar 08
My heavens....we don't plough with horses anymore!!! Make it a priority and buy a computer so kids don't go through life ignorant. Maybe what was good enough for us when we were young may not be enough to prepare kids for the future world.
@ohwellie (140)
18 Feb 08
I think usuing a balance of both is the best option. The internet, when used properly, can be such a valuble learing tool and doesn't deserve it's poor reputation.
• Philippines
18 Feb 08
you're right. it is always safe and fair to strike a balance.
@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
20 Feb 08
I will recommend the traditional way of books and pencil. Kids using the net or maybe computor too often will spoil their eyesight.
@michelyn (717)
• United States
20 Feb 08
I think a mix of both should be used. In many of the high schools in my area, the students are actually required to use the computer for certain projects. One of my daughter's assignments was to create a MySpace page in reference to mythology and add her teacher and classmates as friends. She got a grade for doing this. That could not be done any other way. My son's projects are done with research online and then books from the library to back up the facts. Things found on the internet are put there by people like you and I and we are capable of making mistakes.
• Australia
19 Feb 08
Look, the technology is there and it definitely can be beneficial if used in the way it was origionally intended to be used. I don't have kids but if I did and they had to do research, I would either take the time to sit at the computer and do it with them or I would have the computer in a room where I know I am going to be in, in order to watch over them. I don't think kids under 18 yrs old should go unsupervised when they are on the computer. There are too many temptations online, not to mention online predators. It just bugs the crap out of me to see parents use the computer as a babysitter....
• United States
5 Mar 08
The net is a great tool for learning. There is so much there for kids to enjoy, learn, and excellerate their learning. But as a principal of a school, I would caution you to be right there watching what they are doing. It can also be a dangerous place if unsupervised.
• Egypt
19 Feb 08
i saw online and research