Belated Happy Valentines mylotters!

February 18, 2008 11:36am CST
I have been away for a while and haven't had the chance to join in for fruitful discussions. How did everyone spend their Valentine's day? I know that it should be spent like Christmas which 'LOVE' is supposed to be spread 'EVERYDAY'. Now, it gets me thinking that since I was born in late October, I'm wondering if I am a product of a romantic Valentines of my, it's interesting to think it this way because according to my nursing student friends, NOVEMBER is the busiest month in the delivery room - which leads them to believe that the babies were blessings from the FEBRUARY - Valentines romantic day!...Since my birthday is close to November, it just dawned into me. How about you? Would you believe that you are a product of a February Valentine's romance? When is your birthday?
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