credit card woes

February 21, 2008 11:05pm CST
for these past few days i have been worried because i haven't paid my credit cards for 2 months now. actually, i have 5 and are already fully consumed. because I haven't paid last month and the penalties add up i am already overlimit. i can no longer sleep at night because i am very much worried how to cope up with this problems. i called two banks to apply for an amnesty but to no avail. i prayed to the Lord to guide to where and how can i solve this problem. i surfed in the net hoping i could get ideas on how to solve this. voila! i came to know the "banker" who did helped others with the same boat i am in. i joined diskarte pilipinas - a yahoo group. there i discovered so many ideas that i have overcome my fears and worries. i have to pay my debts but i will pay it with the amount i can . i know time will come that i can zero out all these credit card debts .....and goodbye...plastic more swiping....
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3 responses
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
8 Mar 08
It's good that you're really determined to pay off those plastics and say goodbye to them forever. If we succumb to credit cards, they will really turn us into misers while credit card companies are laughing they way to the banks! I have 2 credit cards but I never used them...I intend to use them only in emergency cases, which never came yet, hopefully not. I am just purchasing foods, clothes, bags, etc. using cash, instead of the cards. If I could not afford it, I don't go out shopping. Instead, I buy only the basics, food, clothing, medicines, etc. Ok, no more swiping, please. Good luck....
@danzer (2723)
• Philippines
4 Mar 08
If we don't know how to control the credit cards we have, it will definitely control us. Having only one credit card for emergency use is advisable. Having more than that is inviting a huge trouble. After settling them, throw them away or grind them so you'll never see them again!
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
26 Feb 08
Oh my... you have a lot of credit cards... i only have one... and i am very careful not to use it frequently... i only use it to buy groceries when i don't have cash... my husband wanted me to close it... but i don't since i have someting to use for emergency... It is a good thing that you were able to find a solution to your credit card problem... i hope things will work out for you in the future...