How to recharge mobile IN 10 MINS (free of cost)

February 22, 2008 12:37am CST
Recharge You Phone Every Month Freely By Following This process Please Follow The Instruction & you can recharge you SIM card absolutely FREE. Yes it is possible, see how technology can be used to make technicians FOOL. I just got this from a friend of mine, whose friend is from IIT Powai, teaching me how to reload my hand set every month for free. Engineered by a group of rebel programmers. I am going to share this to share this to all of you. Please follow the instructions as started below before you start it:applicable for Airtel, Vodaphone, Spice, three and basl user only. sorry for idea and reliance users and it is done illegally of course but there are many things that are illegal in this world. don't worry nobody can trap you. so go ahead without worring. you can only do this every 24th & 25th of the monh as the network system is under upgrade. 1.) dial "1415007" using ur phone and wait for 5 second. 2.) after 5 second, you will hear some funny noise ( like sound from tv when the station is finished ) 3.) once the noise stop, immediately dial 9151 follow by ur phone number 4.) a recorded message " please insert ur pin number " will follow 5.) punch in the pin number " 011785 45227 00734 " and wait for te oprater finish repeating he above pin number. 6.) continue dial " 4566 " u will hear passward is accepted 7.) once he second message finish, immediatly dial ur own phone number 8.) now u will recieve a messare saying.............. ................... .................... ..................... ....................... .......................... ............................ ................................ .................................... ....................................... ............................................ ............................................... .................................................. "NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD", SO GET BACK TO WORK AND DON'T WASE TIME!!BYE.... BYE..... DON'T SEARCH 4 ME TO KILL ME .... I'M BUSY HUNTING DOWN THE GUY WHO SENT ME THIS .. HE HE ... CHEERS ... FROM: - F. R. I . E. N . D .
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