enjoying life is a myth

@aminion (129)
February 27, 2008 4:56pm CST
You don't enjoy life. If you don't have enough money it sucks and if you have to much you just get bigger problems. Sure you might enjoy bits and pieces some of the time but I don't know one person who hasn't had something horrible happen to them that was devastating. What do you think if you have more money do you enjoy your life more? I think I might, but I will never know because I don't have any. So I am not enjoying life.
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4 responses
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
1 Mar 08
Hi aminion, You are 100% correct in what you say here. Like you and so many others, I also understand from personal experience how dehumanizing the drudgery of endlessly struggling to obtain the necessities of life can be. Dehumanizing - because the time and effort needed just to get by, to pay bills and put food on the table, leaves no time to express ourselves and do what we'd like to do, and be what we'd like to be. But there's another angle to all this. Life is a challenge, an adventure, a journey. We can only get to where we want to be, by first knowing where that place is. Our challenge is to slug our way through all obstacles and impediments to get to our objective, and the adventure is the sum of experiences that we have to go through on our long journey. We are each writing our own story - and it's unique, a story told by no-one else, in each case. Given enough money, then we can dispense with the drudgery needed to meet our basic needs, and we can then give our full attention to more arbitrary pursuits. So money can be a big help - it can free up one's energies for other things. BUT there are other strategies that can compensate for a lack of money - for example, by going the extra mile to pursue creative ambitions in tandem with laboring for our daily needs. Or the best of both worlds, find a way to make money from doing the very thing that we desire so much to do. But money doesn't buy happiness - our actions, our state of mind, our vision determine that. And in truth, the objective of life may not be to find happiness per se, but to meet life's challenges and rise above them. We're not in a happy nursery rhyme, but a hard-core real-life adventure that's being written by each of us, each and every day. And we each have far greater capacity for dreaming and experiencing life's winding road than the single dimension of paying bills might imply. The human species has a particular faculty for changing their circumstances - we attract a reality which corresponds with our most habitual thoughts. In a manner of speaking, we each have the Power of Creation. What we hold in our thoughts, we make real - as a man thinketh, so is he. But we MUST decide where it is that we want to go, before we can begin on our journey to get there. Although the path may not always be rosy, you can most certainly do that. But we each have to write our own story on the way.
• India
29 Feb 08
njoyn life isnt related to money alwyz..its about our attitude towards life.how much fun we can find in the things around us and so we will be happy....neither i have much money but still feels myself blythe
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
27 Feb 08
hmmm I know money can help a little as far as reliving the stresses of life but usually when bad things happen it usually makes you enjoy life later better in a strange way, it makes you appreciate the smaller things in life, so many things have happened to me over the last few years i am happy with life just so long as there is peace and calm and thay my health is good, I do hope things improve for you, as life is way too short to spend being unhappy, maybe count the good things in your life and be thankful for them...goodluck my friend..
@Lightlord (378)
• Greece
27 Feb 08
Nah... it's not about the money, I could probably live very well with very little money. But it's important how you organize your time. If you do things that make you happy most of the time than you are enjoying life in some way, maybe not ideal for others but ideal for you. If you enjoy going out with friends than go and do that, if not than don't. If you enjoy smoking than don't because it's bad for your health:D And if you enjoy working than put your energy on working, but having a lot of money... they can only spoil you and that's not what you want, don't you?