How Religious Are You?

United States
February 29, 2008 11:10pm CST
Are you someone who goes by what the Bible says? Do you attend church every Sunday? Or are you not into religion? I myself and not religious, but I do have faith.
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12 responses
• United States
16 Mar 08
I am not sure how religious I am. Probably not very. My husband and I attend church one to two times per month with our parents. I don't really like going to churches because they have the tendency to condemn anyone who thinks differently than they do. I do believe in God, I do read the BIble (though not as much as I believe I should. I believe in Heaven and Hell and that the only way to get there is by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I don't like doctrine, as I feel it is unnecessary and a cause of a lot of problems and division between believers. I don't think it is necessary to sit in church, I enjoy gathering with other believers, having discussions and so forth but gathering in a building with someone standing in the front preaching at you isn't my idea of a "church".
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I was raised christian, but now I'm not religious and do not believe in a god. I lean a little towards buddhist beliefs and karma, but I would not say I have a religion.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I am not religious at all. I dont go to church I dont believe some of the rules that are in the bible. I am spiritual. I follow a religion that most of society thinks is the path of the devil even tho I dont believe in the devil. I am a proud Pagan and believe that I shouldent haveto get in my car and travel to a building and sit there listening to someone else preach to be able to worship. All I have to do to worship my creator is walk outsied my door and sit on my porch and enjoy the beauty that my creator also created. Just by enjoying the simpler things like listening to the birds sing and smelling a flower and enjoying them is worshiping my creator. NOT driving to a building once a week. I can worship every day.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
15 Mar 08
I supposs i do not understand,you said you are not religious but you do have faith,,,if you are not religious what do you have faith in????? In the Bible? or yourself? I do not quite understand what you mean.....I don't know what you would call me...I believe in God,I use to go to church regularly but i do not attend church on a regular basis but I believe in the Bible,and i have faith in God....I believe in the Bible,i believe it to be the word of God and i do know right from wrong.....I try to do the right thing but i cannot come up to the standards that my church believes in........
• United States
15 Mar 08
I have faith in God is what I ment by this question.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
16 Mar 08
well that is really what i thought you meant but was not sure...Yes Faith is God is what we need , not so much religion...
@danzer (2723)
• Philippines
1 Mar 08
Being religious does not mean spiritual. There are a lot of people who are religious but spiritually they are lost. Faith is something personal between you and your God. Faith doesn't always mean to the living God. It can be faith to a wrong one. If you have faith in God, you will love to be in church with God's people and be instructed from the Word of God! Happy day to you!
• United States
1 Mar 08
How do you know that it is not you who is lost?
• Indonesia
2 Mar 08
I'm not religious in the way you described. Bible was written by human. Human always makes mistakes here and there (believe me). We should rationally read and follow (or don't follow).
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
1 Mar 08
For me, I only follow what is written on the bible. I prefer doing that, than following what other people simply says so. Also, I don't believe that much on religion but I am spiritual in a sense and follows deeply what I believe in. I don't go to churches, I just pray whenever and wherever I feel like, as long I know it is not against to what I've read..
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 Mar 08
I am both religious and spiritual. For me, "religious" means that you follow specific doctrines and beliefs. "Spiritual" means that you have a personal relationship to a deity or deities, or a personal path to achieving some form of higher goal or state of being. I consider myself religious because I do believe in a Celtic cosmology and worldview that is not entirely my own. I consider that "doctrine" from an outside source, thus I am religious, since I am faithful to the beliefs of that particular culture instead of picking and choosing my beliefs from many different places. I also consider myself religious because I choose to use a religious label for myself: Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan. I consider myself spiritual because I have a personal relationship with my Gods, and I walk the path I have chosen every day, in every part of my life... not just on holidays or in ritual.
• United States
1 Mar 08
sitting in a church will no more make one a Christian than sitting in a garrage will make you a car !
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I am not religious, and I have faith, just not in the existence of invented supernatural entities.
@ellie333 (21016)
1 Mar 08
I would not class myself as religious as that seems to cause to many world problems, but I do believe and do attend church when they have family services. I have a Bible by my bed and pray daily. I have my own individual relatonship with God and try to live my life by doing no harm to others, so take note of the 10 commandents as much as I possibly can, but as a human slip up from time to time as I think we all do. God bless. Ellie :D
@merjun (158)
• Philippines
1 Mar 08
same here, im not religious but i do believe that there is a GOD. i also have this theory that those god they are talking about is only one they just have different names.