3 year old drunk, nearly 2X the Legal Limit

United States
March 3, 2008 10:06pm CST
I was turning channels and this definately caught my eye. The mother lost custody. Thank goodness. And to clarify things it is believed that the three year old was forced to drink the alcohol, she has cuts on her lips. They said that there were numereous signs of abuse. She registered a .15 alcohol level. She had two fractures of her left arm, bleeding on her brain, bruises on neck, eye damage, and cuts on both sides of her lips. Injuries were consistent with abuse. I believe it was in Covington, Kentucky. That's what they kept saying and showed the hospital in Covington. This is horrible. I don't know about you but I believe the first punishment to who did this should be that they be tied up and forced alcohol for hours and hours and please make sure it gets all in their nose. I bet that would burn. Also cut her lips while you are at it. Fracture some bones and hit them in the head and cause some brain damage and eye damage. Harsh but think how that three year old must have felt. Because someone was mental this child will never be the same again. Maybe whoever did it will get life without parole. But that would be free meals, never have to work and they would probably like that. Please pray for this little girl. They never told her condition as far as critical or stable or anything. If I hear more I will let you know.
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4 responses
@lishiwei (1550)
• China
7 Mar 08
Yeah,that's too horrible.I heard a 4 year girl in the same situation too.Ithink we all should pray for the little girl.
@david2005 (798)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
That is just plain sick and I think that if a parent forces a child to do something like that then they deserve to be locked up in jail and to never be allowed to see there child ever again.
• United States
4 Mar 08
OMG - that's HORRIBLE! Obviously those people don't deserve having something as precious as a child! If she bounces from foster home to foster home her whole life, it has to be better than living like that!
@dtroas (479)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I seen that also, very sad and heartbreaking to hear stories like that. But I can not get past blaming all this on the Government, sorry they do not have stiff laws when it comes to the rights of young children. They are in these homes where parents are unstable. But yet the Government keeps paying these kind of people to have children. With what Tax payers money! I also pray for this child, and for any child that is being abused. ALSO pray that the laws get tuffer and young children have rights! And what you said SusanShay! Would be a day in the part compared as to what I would do with them. GOD BLESS OUR CHILDREN