If only 3 books can stay on the world, which you will choose?

@dzxq666 (159)
March 4, 2008 12:21am CST
If only 3 books can stay on the world, which 3 books you will choose? I will choose:1. the red and the black, 2. the adventure of Huckleberry Finn 3. the old man and the sea What you will choose?
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10 responses
• United States
5 Mar 08
The Bible for wisdom on how to live and die. The dictionary because all the other books are in it. The cookbook so I don't starve or die of boredom.
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
4 Mar 08
I love reading and admired so many books. The three books I wanted to stay, if ever, are all fiction. I love Ken Follett and my most adored book from him is the JackDaws. I also love robert ludlum, the writer of the Bourne movies so i love to choose The Bourne Ultimatum. My last will be from Judith McNaught, I love all her novels and will choose Once and Always.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I would choose MADAME BOVARY, CHARLOTTE'S WEB & VANITY FAIR. There are certainly a lot of other books that I would like to see survive but I can't imagine a world without those three. Thank heaven we don't have to choose just three!
@mrtimharry (1180)
4 Mar 08
The Hunt for Red October - Tom Clancy - will keep you interested for many hours of detailed action Ivanhoe - Wilfred Scott - in the original format it takes any number of times to read to ensure that you have read every detail Lord of The Rings - JRR Tolkein - assuming you can get all three volumes in one book
• China
4 Mar 08
hehe,let me shara my books hongloumeng (a Chinese book,its another name is a dream of red mansions) the old man and the see the chrysanthemum and the sword(it told me the culture about japan) ????
• Canada
4 Mar 08
hmmm , thee books that i would definatlyy choosee if they were the only threee ? aree the harry potter book series , the diary of anne frank , and song of the sparrow ! i recoment these books to everybody !
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
4 Mar 08
If there only three books that will left in this world, I want it to be the bible, my biography, and any kind of book that will teach people to take care and increase their money. God, myself and others- these are the important things for me in this world.
@rovian (1924)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I would choose Science, Math, and History to be the last three remaining books. This way, there can still be something to educate kids. Maybe some of them can grow up and write their own books.
• United States
4 Mar 08
War and Peace Pride and prejudice Byron's book of poety
@haryana (112)
• India
4 Mar 08
hucckle bennry finn....i will choose this one o.k