Where do you feed them?

@deedee30 (432)
March 4, 2008 2:08am CST
Cats most of us have them where do you feed them, we feed ours in the hall but my nan used to feed hers on the kitchen side which I always thought was gross? what about you?
2 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
4 Mar 08
We just have the one cat, we feed her in the living room under the television, she has all her food bowls, I say all because has more than one, as she's a madam and gets thoroughly spoilt, one for her meat, one for biscuits and one for special treats, she also has a bowl for water. It is not hygienic to feed animals in the kitchen or where you are preparing food.
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
9 Mar 08
I agree thats why both our cat and dog are fed in the hall away from the food.
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I always feed my cats in the kitchen. As soon as they jump off the bed every morning, they head for the kitchen. One of them, Waffles, my calico cat, even sits under the table, waiting for the food to be placed easily within her reach. It's so cute to see! As soon as they eat, the cats wander off to their respective sitting places in the house. That's how it goes every morning.
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