When is the last time you flew a kite?

United States
March 5, 2008 10:00am CST
I have never flown a store bought kite in my life. There was a kite festival last weekend so I bought huge kites for the boys at Sam's Wholesale Club for 10 bucks each. I of course didn't get one for myself and didn't tell them that I had never owned a store bought one before. Heck, I didn't even tell my husband. We had a great time at the festival, but there was hardly any wind and we couldn't get the oldest boy's kite up in the air. I felt so horrible that he never got his to fly that yesterday I decided that since it was windy, I would go try and get it flying. I wanted to be able to have it flying when he came home from school as a surprise. I had so much fun! I was out there for four whole hours flying that kite until he came home. When was the last time you flew a kite?
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6 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
5 Mar 08
What a grand idea. Magnificent kites cost 10 cents when I was a kid and having older brothers who loved this sort of thing I got to trail along. Only did it once since childhood and that was as a 20-something trailing along with hubby who saw a neat kite in one of those 70% off bins and brought it home to play with on a windy day. That is a story I never told his students and should have as they would have gotten such a kick out of thinking of their very reserved and serious and oh-so-intellectual professor doing such a thing..running in the wind and laughing like a kid. Say, let's all do it!
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 08
Now if only the stupid wind would start blowing again! LOL
• United States
6 Mar 08
Now if only the stupid wind would blow! LOL
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
9 Mar 08
Strangly enough just the other day, we climbed up to the top of the mountain and flew it for hours, was really good fun.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Mar 08
I knew I couldn't have been the only one here that has flown a kite recently. Good for you!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I havent flown a kite since I was a kid but would love too..My bf actually promised me that this summer when I go visit him we'll get a kite and go kite flying which I'm SO EXCITED about!! I love kites! unfortunately though nobody in the house is nearly as enthusiastic about it as I am :-/ My husband has never shown any interest in it and is always busy in the warm months and my kids think its boring LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Mar 08
You are going to have so much fun!
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
8 Mar 08
guilty!!! i have never tried flying a kite!
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Mar 08
Then you should do it! I had a blast!
@chris1314 (784)
6 Mar 08
WOW, i replied to this discussion because i thought it was good and brought me back to my childhood =] I havn't flown one for a good few years, i really want to fly one now =] Chris
• United States
6 Mar 08
Then you should do it! I had a blast!
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
9 Mar 08
my favorite play when i am a kid was with my father, brothers and cousins...we flew a kite...we spent the whole day pa;lying on it...specially during summer...that event happen when i was 12 years old and now i am 31 years old already...i miss that day...my younger brother now have his own kite that that consider the biggest kite in our community...that kite was made 2 years ago until now he used it sometimes...
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Mar 08
Then you should borrow your younger brother's kite and fly it. I will bring back great memories of your childhood.