Do you fiddle with your bits

@p1kef1sh (45681)
March 9, 2008 10:06am CST
There was a discussion recently about whether women were obsessed by their breasts. Talking to some of my female friends they all said how they had noticed that men like to clutch onto their bits, when we are both clothed and naked. I cannot say that I have noticed myself doing this, but maybe I do. My wife thinks that I do. Apparently I often go to sleep hanging on to them "just in case they get pinched in the night" she says. Are you a fiddler, is your man?
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4 responses
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
The bits are meant to be fiddled with, are they not? How much fiddling goes on in public is the issue. In my case, none. I don't play in public nor do I enjoy being played. ;) In bed, my lover doesn't touch my bits enough sometimes. But I'm a real woman, and I'll make a hand free to fiddle my own bits if need be.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Mar 08
I think so, but I am not so sure about fiddling publicly a la Nova's school teacher. I have no doubt that you are a real woman and I bet an accomplished bit fiddler, and maybe not just your own. Personally, I enjoy a bit of bit fiddling, but touched correctly they can have a levitating effect on the rest of me, they are super sensitive.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
I had a teacher like nova described. M. Buck.. french teacher. He really enjoyed playing pocket pool, and would always position himself on the corner of his desk that would allow for maximum enjoyment. One day, some of my classmates put some chalk dust on the edge he loved to rub up against most. Sure enough, he had some chalk lines right at the front of his pants where the pocket pool played out.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Mar 08
Naughty girls!
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@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
9 Mar 08
All my sons have been fiddlers and even now the oldest will have a fiddle and we all scream leave yourself alone, hubby doesnt do it though so I dont know why our son does. A fiddle is fine a full on tug is going to far lol
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Mar 08
I don't know why, but I have just recalled a picture of my nephew, then aged about 3, having a "full on tug" in a family photo somewhere. LOL. He's 23 now. Wonder if he still does it.
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@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
9 Mar 08
Maybe you should show him the picture and ask him lol
• United States
9 Mar 08
The only time I fiddle with my bits is when I am adjusting them inside whichever over the shoulder boulder holder I put on for the day. Other then that I only obsess over them being not quite as big as I would like. My man is not a fiddler with his bits but he pays more attention to mine then I ever have ;)
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Mar 08
When your bits are as gorgeous as yours who can blame him from keeping a close watch.
• United States
9 Mar 08
I'd have to agree with that one, Cyn. :)
• United States
10 Mar 08
o.k. this response coming from a female here. Um, I do sometimes play with my ripples if you know what I mean, but I must say that my 13 year old son is a fiddler, lol. Every night he protects them.............from what, I do not know and my sweetie is not a fiddler. Maybe he wants me to bother them you think!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
10 Mar 08
I think that you should just fiddle away. But watch that you don't get Fiddlers Elbow.