what do you think of mylot's rule forbidding us to post money-making websites?

@dierdre (2207)
March 9, 2008 12:49pm CST
dont you think it sucks? coz my old discussions regarding money making websites have been deleted and they dont contain any referral links at all, just some website or blog suggestions, and im pretty sure of that coz the links just end with a .com. geez mylot is getting unreasonably strict this time around huh? what can you say about this? is this new rules of theirs even reasonable? i did not list down the websites suggested coz i know that i can always go back to it for reference then when i decided to look to visit those websites, they're gone! and even if there's no website posted at all and you just wanna share a money-making website, they delete it the next day! such hassle!
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7 responses
@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
1 Jun 08
for me it is good idea on forbidding us to post link in our discussion so that it doesnt look like a spam discussion...
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
2 Jun 08
yeah i totally agree with not posting the referral links, but i dont quite agree with them deleting discussions that contain the money-making websites per se, the ones that dont contain any referral links. but then again, its been months since i started this discussion, and now i can still see discussions that contain money-making websites (take note, no referral links!) so maybe they changed their rule a little bit, coz cmon, what's the purpose of having the "make extra money" section if you cant share the money-making websites to others right?
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@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
3 Jun 08
well there is a way... just tell what ever you know about money making website and you can discuss it here as long as you know how to hundle it...
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 08
Hehehe.... it's their forum, so they can do what ever they want. Just make sure to copy paste the rules here next time so that even the admin can see if you are against the rules or not. But, what ever it is, you won't win this case my friend. :)
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
7 Jun 08
yeah buddy, you are very right on that one.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Well, I am not sure why some discussions get deleted and others are here? But for one, I am Glad they do not allow us to post our Referal links in here in our discussions. I have done so in the past on discussions, but now I feel it would be best in messages to your friends, but first get to know them, and then ask if they are interested, or share the information with them. It would save a lot of time and such as well. Just my thoughts.
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
10 Mar 08
ah yeah i agree with you, but in my opinion, it would be much more convenient if the websites (not referral links)are displayed for everyone to see, coz i posted a discussion before regarding online jobs so some people suggested a website for me to check out and then after a few weeks it got deleted. i think mylot is checking every user's profile to delete discussions that may be of detriment to them, like "how to make money".
@kdhartford (1151)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I didn't know that there was such a rule...darn I must have broke it about 10 time todays. Oh well it happens.
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
9 Mar 08
well they didnt really announce it or anything, i learned it when i read other discussions and when they started deleting my posts.
• United States
9 Mar 08
I had a posting where I didn't mention the website or provide a link. I said if anyone wanted more info to message me. Mylot deleted it. So personally I think its ridiculous they even have that topic.
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
10 Mar 08
yeah, i agree with the 1st responder that mylot is getting "insecure" coz we might not just post here anymore coz we are all too busy with other money making websites that pay more! cmon guys, this defeats the purpose of having the said topic in the 1st place right? let others freely share what they know and help each other out. i can understand posts that solely border on getting referral links, but for the money making websites, i think that's fair enough to let people share it to others?
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
9 Mar 08
Well everybody posts them and I didnt think they werent allowed, by the amount I scan through everyday they must have to delete thousands of them.
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
9 Mar 08
well maybe they havent been deleted yet, my account was "raided" by the mylot admin and all my discussions that got zero responses were deleted (those discussions were a year old) along with discussions that have my referral links on it, (even my replies to other people's discussions) and discussions that have money-making websites or blogs. they spared one discussion though of the same nature in my account which is weird.
@NCgirl (487)
• Philippines
9 Mar 08
Oh I never heard of it..but there's a topic about "make extra money" here and it has all the infos about other website. If that so, maybe they just don't want other people leave mylot because they have seen a better site to earn. If that's the rule, then we should do it,no harm. Like they say business is business :)
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
9 Mar 08
well i have that under my interests but im pretty sure mylot deletes those posts the day after it is posted, well at least thats what they do to mine, hehe, i think im on their "watchlist" coz i used to post referral liknks on other's discussion. but they should allow it coz that kinda defeats a purpose of a forum, where you can discuss topics of the same interest with other members, in my opinion. oh well..