Good students marred?

March 10, 2008 5:08pm CST
Recently, I have come to wonder, is a zero tolerance policy within a school really helping the students? Personally, I feel that this policy has cuased a great deal of harm to several students in my school, me being one of them. What happened in my case is quite simple. I was put in a class (Music History and Theory), due to lack of space in other classes. This would not have been a problem, if it were not for some of the other students in the class. You see, in this class were several of our schools biggest trouble makers. This wwas not a problem for most of the class, for they did not do anything physical to me. THey did attack me with words, but I chose to ignore that, for it was just words. Well, one day, one of these kids decided it would be funny to pull my chair out fomr under me, as I went to sit in it. Well, afterwards, i got up, dusted myself off, and asked teh kid "Hey, what the heck?" NExt thign I know, he starts pushing me, and I push back. Luckily for me he didn't throw a punch, but, none the less, I ended up being suspended. Mind you, I was, while not the perfect student, a very good one. I was a member of the National Honor's society, Student Council, and was proud of the fact that I had never been inside the school's office for a discipline problem. So, I get a 3 day out of school suspension, and am forced to quit NHS, and student council, all because a troublemaker started a fight with me. Needless to say, about a month later, he gets in another fight, and gets expelled.... Is it fair that, because of my school's zero tolerance policy, that I must suffer such severe consequences, for a one time infraction? Or am I just upset over this, in my opinion, policy of stupidity?
1 response
• United States
10 Mar 08
its a load of crap, its never really helped anyone, just a bunch of stupid school board advisors who thought it was a good idea. at my school you will get suspended even if you dont do anything, some guy can beat the crap out of you while you huddle in the fetal position and youll be suspended for 3 days, you can even run away and still get suspended, i cant imagine a scenario where they would be helpful. and that sucks about having to quite those clubs. oh and one time i missed 3 days of school, were allowed 4 before we FA, and they called me up to the officve to issue me a suspension for skipping class, i told them they could call my mom and confirm i wasnt skipping, the woman refused and issued it anyway. my mom called in and they said there was nothing they could, which i know is a load of crap because i have friends who have gotten out of the same thing when their parents went down to the office. but isnt it great how the punishment for skipping school is a suspension?
11 Mar 08
Glad I'm not alone. BTW, we have laugh at my school about the punishment for skipping school also.