How to deal with terrible roommate

March 11, 2008 9:47am CST
I'm a 18 years old boy, maybe i should call me 'man'. Now i studying in Singapore alone, my school is a personal school, they don't offer dormitory for the student. so, i living in a flat with two boys who older than me 2 years. Even through they older than me, they are so terrible. One of them always go out with his girlfriend and spend spree, he has costed 4000SGD in a month with his girlfriend. but he never in charge of himself, he costed all of his money to his girlfriend. he even doesn't have money to pay the bill of himself. Another is a narrow-minded man, he wants all of people follow him, there is not anyone in his mind, he never thinking about other people, for example, if he wants to sleep, he will turn off the light even you still work or play, but if you want to sleep and trun off the light, he will trun on it again. Now i living with two people who like that, i don't know how to deal with them, maybe i think i should move out, but i have paid a lot of deposit in the flat, if i move out, i can carry back the money. what should i do? who can give me a idea!
1 response
• United States
23 Mar 08
ask other peopel at school or check with the school where or how to get a good room mate that is not roomate they are using you